Friday, February 28, 2014

Is it exercise?

Unfortunately, I do have a cold.  Fortunately I feel better.  I am in a nice warm house "recuperating".  I believe that I will be okay.  I actually did some exercise, or rather moving today.  I guess pushing a cart would count as exercise.  It was for about an hour.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

I hope to feel better...

Today, I did do some walking, but I have not been feeling well.  I have a slight cold and I did my share of resting.  I hope that I can feel better so that I can walk some more.  I lost some weight today and that has made me smile.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Sadly, I didn't do a lot of moving around or do much walking.  I realize that even though things don't come easy for me, I have to be the one to do the work.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Walking or moving around

Yesterday, I didn't do much exercise.  I hope that I am even able to do some exercise.  Maybe I just need to walk or just move for now.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Today I did a little bit of exercise

I did only five minutes of exercise today but it was more strenuous than it should have been.  Seriously, it was not that strenuous.  I just raked yards.  I only did that type of work because it was needed.  I want to do more, but I am not sure what I need to do as far as far as that goes.  I used to love to be active and go to the gym.  I hope that I don't have any anxiety to go.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

New exercise regimen that I hope to start soon

I hope to exercise for at least an hour 2 to three times a week.  I know I am unable to exercise on Fridays as I have a morning appointment.  I feel like going somewhere and just dance, move, walk, etc.  I wish things would come easily for me.  I pace and walk slowly, but that is not the exercise that I feel will help me to lose weight.  It clears my mind and it isolates me from the world, but it won't tighten my abs or glutes.  It won't help me slim my arms or thighs, nor has it always been good for my legs.  I want to be able to do what is hard.  I am thankful that I have the opportunity to do so.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

A good, yet small start

I am scared that I will never learn how to apply my words and knowledge to my daily life.  You see, things just don't come easy for me.  However, I did do a few lunges and some stretching today.  It wasn't much but it was a good start.

Friday, February 21, 2014


I feel that I need to address my weight issues.  I am feeling okay about facing my fears about exercise.  I realize that I need to face my fears.  How to do that?  Only God knows.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Yard work

I did some major exercise today and my mother and I were doing yard work this morning.  It was quite a workout and I was tired and a little bit sore.  I am okay today however.  I worked for over two hours.  I finally realized that I am out of shape and that exercise has made me feel better.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Something is clearly wrong

What is wrong with me?  I have no clue because I just have no clue.  I need help with exercising.  I am supposed to be eating right and exercise, but I have come to realize that application of what I know just doesn't come easy to me, no matter how hard I try.  Maybe I shouldn't just try.  Maybe I should just do it. However, where do I begin?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mindset about exercise

I will exercise today despite the fact that I have a hurt ankle.  I am here to say that I have no other excuse to not exercise.  I plan to also exercise tomorrow.  I am doing better so far.  Moving is so great.  Exercising is so great.  I forget the fun I have when I am exercising.  It makes me feel better and feel lighter.  I feel like I have accomplished something.  I love to exercise and I cannot believe I just wrote that.  Now, I only I can put this in motion.  I even need help applying what I have learned about exercise in the past.  Sadly, things just don't come easier for me.

Monday, February 17, 2014

I actually did a little exercise...

Today I finally did some exercises, but I admit that today was only the beginning.  I wonder if I have to start off slow and then work up.  I am not new to exercise but I am new to the current mindset that I have.  The truth is, when I start something, I really get into it, and then fall flat on my face.  That is the case with diet and exercise.  I am a diabetic who has gained weight which is not healthy.  I want to be healthy.  My desire is to be healthy and be fit.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

No more excuses or procrastination

So I was watching Gilad this morning.  I have decided not to postpone exercising so I did nothing.  It is now time to not make excuses.  I may have to exercise with Gilad.  I no longer have the fear to exercise.  That is a good thing.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Today is Saturday

I wish I had spent the last three days exercising, but I did not.  I admit that I did nothing to develop good eating habits or even an exercise regimen.  Maybe I should just start off slow and then work my way up. However, what exercise should I start with?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Exercise and fear

I have no excuse for not exercising.  I was told and read about the benefits of exercise.  I ate a lot of bad foods, so why exercise?  What good would exercise do if I continue to eat bad foods, especially if I am losing weight?  That is a good point.  I need and would like to, just start.  Just do it.  I wonder what I am really afraid of.  I wonder if this is the case of looking inside myself to see why I have whatever fear I may have.  It is time that I start, even if it is for just 5 minutes.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The "Convenience" of not exercising

I don't want to come to a point where I conveniently "forgot" to exercise.  However, I did.  I meant to go on that mental schedule I was preparing myself.  Yep.  It was a sorry yet convenient excuse.  The truth is, I am a beginner who has no clue how to start.  Should I start strength training?  Walking?  Anything?  I for one am tempted to just do anything no matter how advanced just so I could push the limit.  I fear that I may quit or get bored after awhile.  I just don't want that.  I need help in overcoming my fears, so I wonder how to go about doing that.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Back pain

I literally did some back breaking work this past week.  Nearly ninety minutes of work is not fun.  It was the yard work that I am referring to.  I hope that I will never allow myself to do that kind of yard work again.  I have a hurting back though with medication and some coffee I am doing better.  I have no excuse not to exercise.  I definitely would like to exercise and continue to do so.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Today is the 8th of February

Today, it seems that I am even more sore than I was yesterday.  Nearly two hours of backbreaking work will do that to a person.  It was a lot of work...just doing yardwork.  I am just too slow and too out of shape for my own good.  I am also quite tired and that didn't help.  I so wanted to exercise but I could barely walk. I guess I should have walked through the pain but I didn't.  I am not using it as an excuse, but I will not give up on exercising.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Today, I am a bit sore.  I cannot say I did any zumba or T25.  However, all I did was rake yards, which should be a great exercise to add unto a my WW program.  Yardwork is quite hard at times, and I realize how out of shape I truly am.  I need to get into great shape though I am not sure if I have the physical ability to exercise.  However, I just need to start slow.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


I have learned that I need to start off slow.  So far, I am not afraid yet I am having some apprehension of what I am able to do.  I do procrastinate this is true.  However, I want to do better and overcome this issue of procrastination.  Why do I tend to do that?  Things to me look hard but I notice when I overcome my fears, I ended up feeling better, much, much better.  The job of exercising is not as hard as I thought it would be.  I don't wish to give up and that is the issue.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I need help

I need help.  What I need is to prioritize my days even my diet and exercise.  I even have a hard time following simple diet and exercise advice.  I have to admit that I did dance some, which is good.  But either I am lazy or I am beginning to hate exercise.  Either way, I need help.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I did some dancing today

I did some dancing today, so I felt pretty decent.  However, I feel nervous about having an exercise regimen.  Still, I have yet to exercise strenuously.  I guess I could walk for the moment.  I believe that walking would tone up my entire body, especially my stomach area.  I want to lose weight and eat healthy.  I want to be healthy.  It has been a long time since I have been of a healthy weight.  I want to just be healthy and maintain good eating habits because I have no clue how much I want to weigh.  I just have to get over it.

Monday, February 3, 2014

I need a routine

I have yet to exercise, yet I manage to do a little dance or two.  Needless to say, I am not a good dancer.  Well, I cannot say that because I am just too shy to dance.  I am just shy period.  It doesn't seem that way because I am being so blunt.  I just don't know where to begin.  I am happy that I have lost the weight that I have.  I feel good about the weight that I have lost due to eating, but I have to step up my routine.  Well, that is if I have a routine which I don't have yet.  I am in need of wisdom and guidance and support in this.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 2

I didn't exercise much, but I did push and pull a heavy cart full of groceries this morning.  I wonder how many WW points that will be.  I need to do a better job of eating healthier and exercising.  I had a dream of not being fat and getting sick and tired of being fat.  It is time to exercise and stay strong.  I need to overcome being anxious about my weight.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

My first day of logging in

I have an obvious desire to change.  I am nervous however.  I am afraid that I will not stick to an exercise routine.  I like to walk and do other exercises but I am nervous about it.  To many, it makes no sense, but I am anxious about it.  I ate well today and I spent a lot of time learning how to eat.  I figure that doing a lot of work yet eating badly does no good.  So I wonder where I should begin?