Friday, October 31, 2014

Today's results

Well, I did do some exercise and even some heavy lifting.  Unfortunately I forgot to bring my pedometer.  Now I will never know how many calories I have burned.  In a 2 hour trip to the grocery store, judging from past pedometer readings, I have burned on average 60 calories.  Well, that is for 2 hours, but the number of calories could be even less.  I just wish I knew.  If I were to go online then hopefully it will be more.  I just felt more energized getting out of the house.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Looking forward to it

I will finally get to exercise tomorrow as I will go shopping.  I realize that I need to take a pedometer with me.  I need to know how many calories I have burned compared to how many I have consumed. I was told by my doctor today to exercise more, but other than that, I am getting better as far as the diabetes goes.  I am just glad to no longer make anymore excuses and procrastinate.

Monday, October 27, 2014

I have made enough excuses.

I have issues that have caused me not to go to the gym this morning.  Sadly I did not exercise either. I have struggled with my weight for a long time.  The reason why is because of the struggle with exercise.  I have grown accustomed to being "lazy", which is a bad thing.  Exercise is supposed to not only to make a person physically fit, but mentally and emotionally fit at the same time.  That is all I have to say since I have no excuses.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Stretch exercises for the back

I have told to do some stretching exercises today.  It would be very helpful for my back.  I have had back problems for a while now and I was supposed to have exercised at least twice or 3 times daily.  I was even asked if I had exercised.  I told them about the stress that I have been under and that I hadn't done much exercise for my back.  I was told that my back condition would improve if I would do some stretches.  So that is exactly what I am going to do.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

God, help me

I admit that I have not made progress.  I have been doing the same exercises all over and over again. It has gotten boring.  I have stopped.  How do I improve my exercise regimen or lack thereof?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Walk around the house

I do walk around the house, but that is not of great help since it is a rather slow walk.  However, it is better than nothing.  Nothing is better than a good start.  It is a rather a small miracle.  On the other hand, at least it is a miracle.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Getting out of a cycle

Yesterday was a day that a light bulb moment has finally hit me.  I have no excuse to not exercise. My desire is to change.  I would like to stop doing things the way they are.  I have the answers but how do I go about applying those answers to my situation?  I have been thrown off course, yes, but I wonder if that is an excuse now.  I am great at procrastination and making excuses, but why am I not great at affirming myself?  There isn't much else to write today but I now have a plan and that plan is to allow myself to be overwhelmed to the point where I stay stuck.

Monday, October 20, 2014

No all

I will not make excuses.  Sure I did light exercise, despite the fact that I wonder if it were productive or not.  I have been having low back pain, in which has improved my exercise regimen.  I realize today that it needs to change.  I have lost sight of that.  What I need is a happy medium where exercise and application combined are not so hard.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Light exercise

Even though today was a break day, I did some light exercise.  I also plan to make plans for November.  I have nothing but time on my hands.  I am okay now that I have made this accomplishment.  It seems rather small, but a day without procrastination is a good day.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

I did pretty well and burned quite a few calories today

Well, I finally did some exercise.  Taking care of dogs would qualify as exercise, right?  How about doing yard work?  Cleaning a house?  Yes, I would think so.  It is too bad that I didn't take the time to determine how many calories I have burned.  However, I went to the healthstatus website and used its calorie burner.  Needless to say, according to them I burned a total of 1500 calories, which is quite a surprise.  I wasn't sure that with my sedentary lifestyle, I would have burned even 5 calories, much less 1500 calories.  For someone with a sedentary lifestyle such as mine, that is like a great start.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Musing about myself and exercise

I wrongly assumed too many things.  I will not write about the lack of exercise or the fact that I procrastinate.  I have no good excuse as to the lack of exercise.  I wish I did have an excuse and maybe I could go with the problem and not procrastinate.  I just want to go back and exercise.  I wish I  had a set routine.  Maybe I would be more cautious as to the benefits of exercise.  I miss exercising. I miss not feeling like I am lazy and unproductive.  I am at an age where a lack of exercise seems not to be an option.  It is time.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


I can finally get fit by exercise.  It is true that now I no longer fixated on my weight.  I am clinically obese because of my height as well.  I will take advantage of every day I get to exercise.  I would like to just end the fixation to lose weight and just do so.  But where do I begin?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I made a comback

I finally did some walking this morning and I hope to do some more.  It was a rather slow walk but I realize the benefits of exercise for myself.  I feel so much better mentally but mentally it was a bit painful.  That was because I was procrastinating on exercising for weeks now.  Maybe I should start planning over and over again.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Lack of a regimen

I should be conscious of my exercise regimen.  The problem is, I have no regimen.  Maybe I don't need a regimen and just do it.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Break day 10/12/14

I tried dancing and walking for much of this week.  Maybe I should concentrate on my diet first.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

What I did today

Today, I walked around the house.  I also got to cook a lot of food.  I wonder how many calories that burned.  Oh, well.  That is okay since I have finally got off of my butt and did something worthwhile.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Self-esteem and exercise

I realize that my self-esteem issues stem from a lack of exercise.  It is almost 6pm, which is a long time to still exercise and take better care of myself.  Whoever gave me this advice, I am thankful for.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Exercise Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Procrastination is not my friend.  It is my enemy.  I have done some exercise pushing a shopping cart. However, I doubt that I burned many calories.  I am apprehensive about exercise in that there is a self-sabotage going on.  I wonder if exercise could help me self-esteem as well as the anxiety and the realization that I am fit.  It would be another miracle.  I feel that I have gotten lazy as of late.  I am so sorry for my sins.  Cleanse me from my secret faults.  I thank You for wisdom, guidance, and a sense of directions as far as my exercise regimen.

In Jesus' name,


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I did some exercise today

I wonder if exercise will improve my self-esteem.  I realize that my exercise regimen is nill, I do walk around the house and housework.  I get tired somewhat but I would like to do more.  What am I waiting for?  Procrastination I realized is a symptom of sabotage and low self-esteem.  The question is how do I overcome both procrastination and self-esteem?  Maybe exercise could help with both, but will it help with self-sabotage?  Only time will tell.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mindset despite break

While today is a break day, I have decided to just do it, even on Tuesdays.  I find it amazing to remember taking a break on Sundays and Tuesdays.  At least the mindset to exercise is still there.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sleeping day

I promise I won't go into my needs or procrastination.  It is true that I did not exercise today.  I spent a lot of time sleeping and not feeling well.  Today and tomorrow are just break days.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Break day 10/5/14

Today is a break day.  Maybe it shouldn't be considering the exercise that I do is not the exercise I should be doing.  Sure I'm active, but it isn't the same as moving a muscle.  It is time I do so.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Today and Yesterday

I realize that exercise is good for the mind.  I could not take the anxiety anymore.  I also cannot take the procrastination.  However, I did do some yard work yesterday and walked with the dog today.  I am not sure how many calories I burned, but it is better than not exercising or being active.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Grocery store trip

Today was no break day.  As a matter of fact, I have exercised today.  As a matter of fact also, going to the store is a great way to lose weight.  Unfortunately, I forgot that I needed to bring the pedometer.  I wish I had because pushing a heavy cart and walking to get another cart for 2 hours is quite a workout.  Maybe I should have recorded that more often.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I wish

Yesterday was a break day.  I wish I had taken my pedometer today since I went shopping today.   I hope to bring me a pedometer tomorrow for my shopping trip.  I want to know how many calories I have burned in a 2 hour shopping trip.