Sunday, June 28, 2015

Reflection on today's exercise plan

Exercise Journal of June 28, 2015
Exercise 2
6:45 - 7:00 PM
DVD exercise

7:15 - 7:30 AM
15 min

Exercise 3
7:00 PM - 7:15 PM
Walking or DVD exercise

I have done those things today.  Sadly, I was a little late in exercising today.  For one, I woke up too late. For another thing, I took a nap then I ate too much.  However, it did not stop me from exercises and stretches this afternoon.  I have some more exercises to do.  Now I wonder if I should follow the rules or make up my own rules.  Should I have exercised once per week or every day per week?  I have been wondering this.  I know that I need to exercise for at least 3 days per week, at least 30 minutes per day.  Or do it?  I have grown tired of how things are.  I weigh too much, I am diabetic, and I have back pain.  I am struggling to do things that other people take for granted.  It doesn't help that I have struggled with low self-esteem.  I have to be motivated myself in order to do things myself.  I also will never and I mean never stop learning, stop exercising, and stop losing weight.  I am in need of losing weight, but I am also in need of exercising as normal as I breathe.  Exercise does everyone and everything good.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Exercise plans for the Weekend 6/27-6/28

Exercise Journal for June 27, 2015
7:15 - 8:00 AM
Yard Work
~ 45 minutes

Exercise 2
6:45 - 7:00 PM

Exercise 3
7:00 PM - 7:15 PM
Walking or DVD exercise

Exercise Journal of June 28, 2015
7:15 - 7:30 AM
15 min

Exercise 2
6:45 - 7:00 PM
DVD exercise

Exercise 3
7:00 PM - 7:15 PM
Walking or DVD exercise

Friday, June 26, 2015

Exercise Journal entry for 6/27/15

7:15 - 8:00 AM
Yard Work
~ 45 minutes

Exercise 2
6:45 - 7:00 PM

Exercise 3
7:00 PM - 7:15 PM
Walking or DVD exercise

* This will be a mere exercise reflection and result journal.  However, I have made plans to exercise.  I have been told that I have a rather weak core compared to the rest of my body.  I have done exercises during physical therapy in which I have a copy.  I am glad to be back in this blog.  I have missed a lot.  I began to grow tired of being tired. I have decided on my own with some inspiration to motivate myself and take some action.  That is why I plan to do these exercises above.  Maybe a little bit of music wouldn't hurt either.

Here is a sample plan from Spark People:

Step Tracker    Goal: Walk 6,500 steps per dayEdit  |  See report
Today's Progress   / 6,500   Save

For Monday, 6/22/2015
Stationary, exercise or recumbent bike: moderate ( < 12 mph)24715
Today's Progress4195

For Tuesday, 6/23/2015

For Wednesday, 6/24/2015
Fit, Firm and Fired Up DVD: Call on Your Core (stretches)25
Stretching / Flexibility Training (general)1020
Stationary, exercise or recumbent bike: moderate ( < 12 mph)16510
Today's Progress3324

Date of Measurement                Weight 
6/11/15                                     305.4 lbs.
6/14/15                                     300.0 lbs.
6/1715                                      301.0 lbs.
6/21/15                                     301.6 lbs.
6/23/15                                     300.8. lbs.
6/24/15                                     301.0 lbs.

Current Weight: 301 lbs.
Overall Goal: 150 lbs.
Time it will take : June 11, 2015 - June 25, 2017  (2 years)
Calorie goal: 1400-2000 calories per day
Current goal: 5% =  290.13 lbs.
Later goal: 10 % = 274.5 lbs.

Age and exercise

I am not only motivated to exercise, I have actually taken the time to get up and get moving.  In my mind, I am exercising more and more and more.  To tell you all the truth, I am an overweight woman who is approaching middle age.  There are times when I feel like my youth is gone.  But is it?  Sometimes I hate the term, "40 is the new 30".  It sounds good, but what is wrong with "40 is the new 40"?  I have begun to realize that age isn't just a number.  To many, that may be true, but what is wrong with aging gracefully? Why does it seem to me that the word old is a bad thing, even if a person is over 70 years old?  How come a person has to be old by 50? 60? 65?  How come being old is considered nothing more than a mere curse upon a person?  "How come someone has to look good for their age"?  I didn't know that a person my age or younger are the best looking.

I do tend to go off-topic.  That it is true.  This is about exercise.  I miss being here.  I did lack the confidence to actually go out there and just do it myself.  I am at an age where I should and do, know better.  I don't want to wait until my health worsens or when I gain 50 more pounds to start exercising.  I believe that exercise can benefit anyone, including one such as myself.  At 40 and in my condition, I would never be considered athletic, but I do have the heart of an athlete.  I think I can do that.  No wait, I know I can do it. Exercising my mind is just as important as exercising my body.

Hop to it.

50 Motivations to Exercise

Now I have more than 50 good reasons to exercise.  Mentally, I have become more fit.  Now only if my body can become more fit.  I highly recommend this video.  I am an overweight diabetic who was always an exercise beginner.  Not only do I want to change that, I also want to overcome my fears and doubts.  In my mind, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Notice I said in my mind.  It is hard to apply that to me and to my body.  I needed to motivate myself.  Going to physical therapy has taught me not to be so self-conscious about my appearance and my health.  I admit that I do care what others think.  I was wondering if those who are my therapists were laughing at me about being overweight.  It is another painful reminder that I am unhealthy and don't feel like I am a person created in the image of the Lord.  Notice I am not saying that fat people are not created in God's image.  For me, I want to be unhealthy and to boost my self-esteem and self-confidence.  I can relate heavily to this said video.  Exercise is truly good for my mental health, but I had no clue about the sleep patterns though.  Now I definitely need to try exercise.  I am inspired.  Now all I have to do is just do it.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Sad truth

I have decided not to make any entries for a while now until I start to actually do some exercise.  I have become too lazy and it is time to overcome my laziness and procrastination.  It stems from years of fear and doubt.  My whole life and my entire existence seems to be that way.  I envy those who can go out there and exercise.  I don't have that tenacity and I probably never will.  OMG, that is what is wrong with me.  Not only do I see the negatives in almost everything, but I have allowed fear and doubt to take over.  I am supposed to be a Christian and fear is torment.  I have been tormented in every area of my life.  I have become and thus I am lazy.  I am motivation, but I realize that is not all it takes to exercise.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

6/3 entry

I have done some shopping yesterday.  I am the "victim" of a workout and having some tired feet and legs.  I am doing much better today than I have in the past few days.  Sadly I did not get to make any entries in my blogs yesterday.  So I am writing about yesterday's blog today.  I didn't exercise but I needed to.  I spent most of the day either asleep or dealing with pain.  I realize that exercise would be good for the pain.  I even woke up with a headache.  I have an appointment tomorrow to deal with the issues that I have.  I have a hormonal condition in which exercise is essential to weight loss.  I know that because of this condition it will be an uphill battle.

Monday, June 1, 2015

I can and I will

I can do things through God that strengthens me.  I will do things through God than strengthens me.  It is about time I do me.  Not that I should do me.  I will be me.  The truth is, I want to be honest.  I want results and if I were to make small changes then I know that it will be possible.  Losing over 100 pounds isn't like losing the last 10 pounds for a wedding.  It is not about the wedding for me, though it could be.  Maybe I should think about it that way.  I am in help of a need of a mindset change.  My exercise regimen is nil and I need to be bold and take a stand when it comes to exercise.  It is time for me to continue to think outside the box.