I am not only motivated to exercise, I have actually taken the time to get up and get moving. In my mind, I am exercising more and more and more. To tell you all the truth, I am an overweight woman who is approaching middle age. There are times when I feel like my youth is gone. But is it? Sometimes I hate the term, "40 is the new 30". It sounds good, but what is wrong with "40 is the new 40"? I have begun to realize that age isn't just a number. To many, that may be true, but what is wrong with aging gracefully? Why does it seem to me that the word old is a bad thing, even if a person is over 70 years old? How come a person has to be old by 50? 60? 65? How come being old is considered nothing more than a mere curse upon a person? "How come someone has to look good for their age"? I didn't know that a person my age or younger are the best looking.
I do tend to go off-topic. That it is true. This is about exercise. I miss being here. I did lack the confidence to actually go out there and just do it myself. I am at an age where I should and do, know better. I don't want to wait until my health worsens or when I gain 50 more pounds to start exercising. I believe that exercise can benefit anyone, including one such as myself. At 40 and in my condition, I would never be considered athletic, but I do have the heart of an athlete. I think I can do that. No wait, I know I can do it. Exercising my mind is just as important as exercising my body.
Hop to it.
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