Thursday, April 30, 2015

Re-post from April 25

The problems with my exercise regimen have been a showing of low self-esteem, excuses, procrastination, and often times, a lack of interest.  The true goal, well, my goal to lose weight is because I don't wish to weigh more than I am now.  I am 100+ pounds overweight and I felt like giving up at times.  I also tend to be a person who is quite a perfectionist.  I have an all or nothing mindset that I would like to change.  The truth is, I admit to rarely exercise.  I have truthfully no exercise that interests me.  I do the occasional walk, yard work, or helping out with the animals, but I feel like I want to do more.  I am clinically obese, and I am looking into not just walking but also using equipment because of strength training.  The only times I seem interested in exercise and exercise for periods of time is when I use gym equipment.  Sadly, I rather not exercise because of a fear of giving up.  Well, I have been living out that fear.  Now how to overcome that fear will not be easy.  However, it would be well worth it.  I am too concerned that most exercises will be too hard to follow, which stems from the root cause of the black and white thinking that I have.  It is time for me to deal with and overcome these issues.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lists of why exercise is beneficial

                          Top 10 Reasons to Exercise Regularly (Besides Losing Weight)
10. You'll Improve Your Memory
  9.You'll Have Better Posture  
  8. You'll Boost Your Confidence
  7. You'll De-Stress
  6. You'll sleep better
  5. You'll have more energy
  4. Better sex
  3. Sick less often
  2. Longer life
  1. More happiness

Top 10 Reasons to Exercise Regularly (Besides Losing Weight)


25 Reasons to Exercise
  1.  Strengthens heart muscle.
  2. Decreases the incidence of heart attack.
  3. Reduces risks for heart disease, e.g., reduces bad LDL cholesterol and increases good HDL cholesterol.
  4. Improves circulation and oxygen/nutrient transport throughout the body.
  5. Helps lose weight and keep it off.
  6. Improves breathing efficiency.
  7. Strengthens & tones muscles and improves appearance.
  8. Helps prevent back problems and back pain.
  9. Improves posture.
  10. Strengthens bones and helps reduce risk of osteoporosis.
  11. Strengthens the tissues around the joints and reduces joint discomfort and arthritis if appropriate exercise is selected and properly performed.
  12. Decreases risk for several types of cancer.
  13. Improves immune function which decreases risk for infectious diseases.
  14. Maintains physical and mental functions throughout the second half of life.
  15. Increases self-confidence and self-esteem.
  16. Boosts energy and increases productivity.
  17. Improves sleep.
  18. Helps create a positive attitude about life.
  19. Reduces anxiety and depression.
  20. Increases resistance to fatigue.
  21. May lengthen lifespan.
  22. Reduces blood pressure.
  23. Decreases the incidence of Type 2 diabetes.
  24. Reduces stress.
  25. Improves cognitive function.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Why should I myself exercise?

Why should I myself exercise?

What benefits would they specifically provide for me?

These are two questions that I must answer for myself.  I didn't make any entries yesterday because, well, I just wanted a break.  I need to recognize that exercise is and can be good for me.  However, I have yet to find a true interest aside from using exercise equipment.  Walking does not interest me.  In fact, no exercise outside of using equipment interests me.  I can move around, pace, walk and take care of animals, and walk to a tv instead of using the remote.  On the other hand, not even the littlest bit of exercise can keep me motivated.  I know something is wrong with me.  I honestly don't know where to begin.  That is one of my issues with exercise.  I am motivated somewhat, but I just don't know what to do judging from my current health situation.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Inspiration and reflections

I will weigh myself tomorrow.  I have lately been looking at pictures as inspiration.  I want to be curvy.  I want to be healthy.  I realize that I am already a whole person, fat or thin.  I do look at myself in the mirror and I see both positive and negative qualities.  However, it is time for me to concentrate on the positives compared to the negatives.  For years, all I tended to see was the negatives.  I am starting to see all people as beautiful, no matter what their shape or size.  To me the war on obesity should be about health and fitness, not a justification to fat shame them.  Correct me if I am wrong on that assessment, but why does it seem okay for some to feel a sense of shame but not others?  Something is wrong with this picture.  Speaking of exercise, lifting and working with animals will perk anyone up.  I believe that that will burn quite a few calories.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Reflections about an exercise regimen

The problems with my exercise regimen have been a showing of low self-esteem, excuses, procrastination, and often times, a lack of interest.  The true goal, well, my goal to lose weight is because I don't wish to weigh more than I am now.  I am 100+ pounds overweight and I felt like giving up at times.  I also tend to be a person who is quite a perfectionist.  I have an all or nothing mindset that I would like to change.  The truth is, I admit to rarely exercise.  I have truthfully no exercise that interests me.  I do the occasional walk, yard work, or helping out with the animals, but I feel like I want to do more.  I am clinically obese, and I am looking into not just walking but also using equipment because of strength training.  The only times I seem interested in exercise and exercise for periods of time is when I use gym equipment.  Sadly, I rather not exercise because of a fear of giving up.  Well, I have been living out that fear.  Now how to overcome that fear will not be easy.  However, it would be well worth it.  I am too concerned that most exercises will be too hard to follow, which stems from the root cause of the black and white thinking that I have.  It is time for me to deal with and overcome these issues.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Today's results 4/23/15

Today I was looking for information on how many calories I have burned today.  For a person weighing almost 160 lbs, the number of calories burned for an hour would equal to about 170 calories per hour. The truth is, for me at my weight, I burned many more calories for even the lightest yard work at about 319 calories for about an hours work.  However, I only worked for 20 minutes on average today.  The yard work I did was quite light.  That was why I calculated only about 106 calories per 20 minute average.  That is a pretty good measurement all things considered.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Changing everything including my goals

Today, I am at rest, but all things could change.  I realize that I do make too many excuses.  Life is too short to make excuses.  I have no clue where to begin, but for now, I am doing well.  I would like to know what my interests are.  I would like to lose 100+ pounds and it is not a time at all for me to make excuses.  I do like to use equipment or use some exercises.  Joining a gym membership would be a good thing for me. Walking would also be a good things since it is low impact.  Whatever I need to do, I realize that I have no excuses.

Today could also be a re-post of yesterday since things have not changed.  I so far have lost 10 pounds, but I have nearly 100 pounds to lose.  Maybe I should have a clear, set strategy.  I know that I had sample plans with which to follow, but I need a specific, realistic, concise plan that I could follow.  They should cater to my interests.  Weighing the pros and cons will also have to be a part of the plan.  I have to ask myself what is my goal and why do I wish to exercise and lose weight.  Also, I will also have to know how to just go out there and push myself.  I am finally motivated, but now I don't know where to begin.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

All could change.

Today, I am at rest, but all things could change.  I realize that I do make too many excuses.  Life is too short to make excuses.  I have no clue where to begin, but for now, I am doing well.  I would like to know what my interests are.  I would like to lose 100+ pounds and it is not a time at all for me to make excuses.  I do like to use equipment or use some exercises.  Joining a gym membership would be a good thing for me. Walking would also be a good things since it is low impact.  Whatever I need to do, I realize that I have no excuses.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Exercise schedule for this week, so far.

Rest or stretches.

Rest or stretches

6-7 PM
Walking DVD and pedometer used to determine how many calories I have burned.

Rest or Stretches.

6-7 PM
Walking for at least 10-15 minutes.
Use a pedometer to determine the speed and the number of steps minutes of stretching for my back

9-10 AM
Use a pedometer to determine the speed and the number of steps
10 minutes walking
6-7 PM
10 minutes of stepping, and stretching for back muscles

Rest or stretches

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Exercise plan sample and setting realistic, attainable goals

I need to exercise daily.  The simple truth is, I need to make  exercise a priority if I wish to lose over 100 pounds.  I have not been under 200 pounds since I was in college, over 20 years ago.  I have struggled to lose weight, but I felt like it was my fault.  Maybe in some way, it has.  I overate, yet I continued to exercise. No amount of exercise I believe can work off food that are unhealthy or due to the fact that I overate that day. I needed to lose weight, but I know that one can't have one without the other.  Yes losing weight is mainly food, but exercise, specific, realist, goals, and mindset have much to do with weight loss. U would like to change my mindset one moment at a time, one day at a time.  To me, it is about learning to apply whatever knowledge I have gained.  It is also not allowing myself to be overwhelmed so much that I will remain fearful. Losing weight is supposed to be hard, but I wonder how hard it is once I set realistic goals.  Unfortunately, I have no real goals to set right now.  That is why I have set up a sample plan.

Sample exercise plan for a week:
1. Choose which days of the week one plans to exercise
2. Choose a specific goal.
3. Choose a specific time to exercise.
4. Choose how long the exercise should be.
5. Choose what equipment to use.
6. Choose how long
7. Do strength training and cardio exercises.
8. Support is a good thing for support can help one accountable.
9. Use athletic outfit and footwear.
10. Where do I begin my exercise routing?

1. I will exercise on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays for now.
2. My specific goal is to make the attainable, baby step types of exercises for now.
3. I plan is to exercise twice a day between 9-10 AM and 6-7PM.
4. The exercise should be for 10-20 minutes per exercise round.
5. I plan to use from no equipment to weights, dumbbells, DVD's, stretching, pedometer, kettlebells,  ankle weights and steppers.
6. I plan to use equipment , or none, to exercise for at least 20-40 minutes per day.

9-10 AM
Use a pedometer to determine the speed and the number of steps
10 minutes of walking
6-7 PM
10 minutes of weight lifting

9-10 AM
Use a pedometer to determine the speed and the number of steps
10 minutes of walking
6-7 PM
10 minutes of leg exercises and repetitions using kettlebells

9-10 AM
Use a pedometer to determine the speed and the number of steps
10 minutes of walking
6-7 PM
10 minutes of stretching for my back

9-10 AM
Use a pedometer to determine the speed and the number of steps
10 minutes walking
6-7 PM
10 minutes of stepping, and stretching for back muscles

Saturday, April 18, 2015

My "confession" about exercise and what I need and plan to, do

I fear exercise.  It seems silly, but that is how I feel.  I am worried that I will not be able to stick to it.  I will not stick to it because of fear.  I feel like I will never be active.  I got thrown off track twice.  I am now in this position.  The reason is I fear failure.  I guess I have to constantly remind myself of what is most important when it comes to exercise as well as "diet".  I am an overweight diabetic and I don't wish to procrastinate and see exercise as a chore.  I want to make any more unrealistic plans and ended up making progress. That is my real exercise goal.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Taking things more seriously

Yesterday, I wrote about not being a happy person.  I am here to write that though I am happier, I need to take my health more seriously.  This would include exercise and diet.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

I am not a happy person.

I don't like myself.  I don't like the fact that I have gotten lazy and motivated to exercise.  Something is wrong with me.  I am just depressed.  What is wrong with me?  I has been hard making exercise a habit.  I am thinking of buying equipment, but I wonder if that will actually hurt or hinder.  What good is it if I don't use it because of a lack of motivation.  I realize that I am in need of help.  I just need a push.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

In need of motivation

Dear God,

I woke up to some depression.  I know it is because my first thought was that I am lazy.  For much of the day, sleep was all I was looking forward to.  I ask for increased motivation to exercise.  I lack the motivation to just do the basics.  I no longer have that interest.  I did in the past.  I wonder if it the fear that I was referring to.  I hate that I am this way.  I would like to just do it.  I want to develop a habit to exercise.  I know of the path I am going on and my lack of motivation would prove dire.  Lord, help me.

I ask this in Jesus' name,


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesdays and making a change

On Tuesdays, I take a break from exercising.  I believe that it is time that I change that.  I realize that I need to be more active.  So I wonder if taking a break on Tuesday is a good idea.  I have made excuses.  I have admitted to making mistakes for too long.  Now is the time for me to stop making excuses.  It has been difficult for me to continue exercises.  Nowadays, I will begin to make it easier for myself.  I need to take better care of myself.  It starts now.  I have no idea what I will do, but I know that I have to do something with myself.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Confession that I need to make

I am taking a break today.  That is something that I say every Tuesday and Sunday.  Truthfully, I have been doing this too much lately.  As a matter of fact, maybe I should not enter any more entries on this forum because of my confession.  I realize that something is wrong with me.  It is time for me to realize that my weight needs to come down and that I need to exercise to be healthier.  I realize that I am the one with the issues.  I will not make any excuses.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Pacing around a room is not exercise.  As a matter of fact, there is no longer time for excuses.  It is time for me to tell the truth.  The truth is, I hate exercise.  I see it as a chore.  The fear is largely gone but the feelings that I have towards myself are not.  I have my own reasons for exercising.  I am an overweight diabetic who has polycystic ovarian syndrome.  I have gained even more weight as a result.  I wasn't thin to begin with.  I have even wondered how much and what role exercise truly plays when it comes to weight loss.  Maybe how I wish to go about things are wrong.  Maybe my mindset is wrong.  Maybe I am off, but whatever the reason, I need to focus more on "moving a muscle".  I now wonder what my true goal is.  I need help.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Pushing a it an exercise?

According to my "calendar" today is a day that I have taken a break.  However, going shopping is a good exercise.  I wonder if it even true if I was just pushing a cart even for a slow walk.  I tried to hurry up and shop.  However, I don't know how to do that yet. LOL.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Give me strength.


Give me strength today.  I am just too tired and too worn out.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Jesus, the Sustainer

Dear Lord,

You are my Creator, and you are my Sustainer. 

You have carefully watched over me all my life, and you even watched over me before I was born.

I praise you for the magnificent body that you have given me.

Lord, I ask that you would bring me the wisdom, motivation, and ability to properly exercise my body. Stir me up to power walk and to do cardio workouts. Stir me up to do lunges, and crunches, and lift weights for the glory of God!

I declare that I will get excited about training my body.

I will rise up and say, "I am going to have a strong body, that is fit and ready to serve the Lord."


Monday, April 6, 2015

Exercise Prayer by Jimmy Pena

Lord, please bless my workout. As I train my arms, let it remind me that I’m held tightly in Yours. As I work my legs, let it be only to follow you more closely. When I work my chest, may it be safely under a breastplate of righteousness. And when I hit my back, I’ll recall that I’ll never be attacked by surprise. And finally Lord, allow my beating heart to grow stronger, knowing that’s exactly where You live. Yes Lord, please bless my workout. I’m a temple, here to worship.

In Jesus’ name, I train, Amen.

–Jimmy Peña

Sunday, April 5, 2015

I need to stop being so lazy.

I realize that I need to stop being so lazy.  I admit that I have not exercised in the past few days.  I may have to change my plans.  I would exercise only a few days of the week or exercise on the weekends for a period of time.  I need help with application of the dietary and exercise rules that are required to lose weight.  Maybe that is the problem.  Diet, or rather, healthy eating and exercise have been harder for me than I thought.  Because of this, I have all but given up.  I feel like I have tried but failed.  I feel like that I am a failure and that I will never lose this excess weight.  I don't wish to feel sorry for myself.  All I can do is to keep on going.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Results from my shopping trip

I didn't get to do much exercise today.  However, going shopping yesterday and walking for over 90 minutes trying to catch up is definitely enough of a workout.  I probably burned around an estimated 65 calories. However, when I made a calculation due to my weight and my age, and my height, I burned over 210 calories.  How I managed to burn anything is amazing in itself!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A reminder or two and yard work

I have done quite a bit of yard work alone with my mother this morning.  I may have burned up to 50 calories or so.  It is better than the number of calories I have burned so far over the past month.  This is quite sad, I admit.  I will remind myself to take the pedometer next time, including tomorrow.  The pedometer I have will determine hopefully the number of calories that I have burned.  Because of my weight, I will probably burn more calories due to the fact that I will walk and shop tomorrow.  I will wish myself at least a bit of luck.