Saturday, January 31, 2015

I am not motivated to exercise.

The problem is, I don't have a specified exercise that I wish to do.  I would to do all of them.  I am a procrastinator and I write too much.  It is as if I have too much knowledge, but not enough wisdom to carry them out.  I have asked myself about what types of exercises I should do.  I am not sure if there was any one type of exercise I want to do or what to enjoy.  I have some ideas on what to do, but I have no goals.  That may be the problem.  I know of the benefits but I am not sure if even that has made me even motivated.  I need help.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Exercise "strategy"

Today, I have been told the inevitable.  I need to exercise more.  The truth is, I rarely exercise at all. I barely have an exercise regimen and whatever regiment I have I have trouble following it.  Is getting back on the horse a good way to start exercising again?  I used to exercise on the treadmill and ever since then, I got thrown off track.  Nowadays, I don't have a treadmill, so that threw me and my plans off.  Nowadays my walking  has been slow and my physical ailments have been worse.  I am working on one thing at a time.  However, it doesn't help that one minute I watch videos of T25 in hopes that I would lose weight faster but to keep the muscles going.  It is inspiring and so amazing to see people having such great results in only a few months, but it is too hard and after a while, will I continue? What exercise would be good for me?  What do I like to do?  How long do I wish to exercise for that day?  How many days a week do I wish to exercise?  How do I become specific with my plan? How do I stick with this said plan?  Those are the questions that I need to answer for myself.  I have my own strategy to lose weight which should include exercise, how does it finally mesh with my weight loss goals?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Today I have an actual entry.

Today I have something to actually write.  The root cause for my lack of entry was a feeling of guilt.  I haven't exercised in the past two days, but I would like to change that.  I would like to stop procrastinating and realize that without exercise, I will stuck.  My life has been one big cycle filled with overwhelming information and a seeming lack of progress.  As I read my posts last night that was what I found out about myself and what I tire of.  I began to change because I want to change not just because I also know that change would be good for me but because that is my desire.  Change does not come easily for me so procrastination is the natural thing for me to do.  For years I have felt like I was too lazy to do anything about it.  I don't wish to write or even talk about it.  I just want to do this.  I am confused about things but I realize that overcoming whatever issues I have take time.

It is time for me to actually take care of myself and start the healing process.  I no longer feel guilty about having PCOS nor do I no longer feel guilty about gaining weight.  I am not sure however what my weight loss goals are, including exercise, but so far, I like to walk.  A brisk walk would do me a world of good even right now.  I also would like to remind myself of all of the benefits of exercise such as weight loss and fitness, a calmer more peaceful mind, and a healthier body.  I would also not have to worry about being overwhelmed as much.  I don't have to go at things alone and learn from all of my errors.  I can finally see the end of the rainbow due to just walking.  Walking is something that I would love to do.  It is an exercise that I can do to not only be fit, but it is quite easy.  I don't have to worry about doing other things right now, but I would also like to be able do other things, but just walking and taking one step at a time would do me some good.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

My entry for today

I have to make an exercise plan yet I still feel overwhelmed.  Being overwhelmed is something that I need to make a top priority.  Also, purchasing equipment is something that I desire to do.  I believe that I can and will do it.  I did walk today but I felt like I have nothing to show for it.  I didn't take a brisk walk nor did I make a plan to exercise.  I plan to make a plan tonight.

Friday, January 23, 2015

My concern

I had some labwork done today.  Other than that, I have been in pain.  Right now, I am thinking of creating an exercise plan for myself, which for now would include walking and stretches.  I am concerned that I will gain weight and be in worse shape than I am now.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Better than nothing at all

I walked for only 5 minutes today.  I was told that a movement was better than nothing at all.  I don't think she meant five minutes though.  However, I will take the time to be grateful.  I did do some work and that is what counts.  My plan will be to walk for at least 15 minutes tomorrow despite tomorrow being a busy day.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Beginning a walking program

Whenever I start an exercise program, it is best for me to meditate, exercise, and listen to music.  It is not only good for my health, it is also good for my mind and body.  Walking is something that I am able to do.  Exercise to me is about physical affirmation.  That means that it is not impossible to reach one's goal.  It can be done.  I will walk for at least 15-20 minutes 7 days per week.  That will be my plan or rather, is my plan.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Results for 1/19/15

Results for 1/19/15
Pedometer results:
Number of steps 272
Distance: 0.1 miles
Distance per hour: 0.2 per hour

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Slow walk

On average, my slow walk is less than a mile per hour.  I did not exercise today as I have been feeling tired.  I not only needed to rest and even exercise, but also to relax.  I could use some relaxation.  I have been depressed today and looking back, exercise could have done me some good.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Slow walk results for 1/16/15

Results for 1/16/15
Pedometer results
Number of steps 986
Distance: 0.4 miles
Distance per hour: 0.4 per hour

I would like to say that it is quite sad.  The slow walk is quite slow for at least an hour of walking. However even during such a slow walk, it was quite relaxing.  While there is definitely room for improvement. this is a start.  It has been a rather slow walk, but a slow walk nevertheless.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Results for 1/15/15

Pedometer results:
Time of duration: 30 minutes
Distance: 0.8 mph
Calories burned: 8
Steps per minute: 29.3
Steps per hour:
Steps: 879

Despite the slow walk, at least there were some results that were from a pedometer.  I haven't been using the pedometer lately and I believe that it was accurate.  I hope to go for longer for an average of 10-30 minutes, but at least 1.0 mph or more.  At least that would be a good start.  As slow as the walk was, I would like to say that this exercise has been of benefit to me mentally.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Exercise and being overwhelmed by it

My exercise this morning consisted of a 45 minute slow walk.  How many times do I have to remind myself that a pedometer is necessary?  Anyways, I have just finished performing exercises to strengthen my neck.  I have been having issues with my neck which lasted but all of 10-15 minutes.  I have no issue with planning but I do have an issue with how I view exercise.  Instead of exercise being something I do either because it is fun and it is beneficial, I view it as a chore.  Wow.  I have just realize that even the concept of exercise overwhelms me.  I would like to start changing that mindset and just "move a muscle", but how do I overcome being so overwhelmed by exercise as well as diet?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Today's exercise schedule according to me and Weight Watchers...not a great title I know

Morning break from exercise

Neck strengthening exercises
Duration time 12 minutes
Impact: Low
Activity Points 1

Ab Exercises
Duration time 18 minutes
Impact : Low
Activity points 2

Total time of duration 30 minutes
Total activity points overall  3

Above is my exercise plan.  I would like to know if it is okay to exercise while I am hurt.  I am going to exercise my neck and my abs.  Being truthful and keeping the promise to exercise makes exercise less of a chore.  I have been overwhelmed and I tend to get overwhelmed easily.  It is as if I have so much to do.  I also tend to be quite anxious and I have many reasons why.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Exercise is important to me

After much consideration, I have made the decision to exercise as well as consume a proper diet. That is a rather strange to write, but I have not done much exercise or practice good eating habits.  I love chocolates, cheeseburgers, and cake with ice cream, my favorite dessert.  Everytime it seems like I am eating healthy I have been advised that I have not been after all.  Eating raisin bran with 2% milk is all I need to consume, not raisin bran, 2% milk and a sandwich.  I have difficulty sometimes how to formulate what to eat for a specific meal.  One of the problems I have been having is not just a poor diet but a poor concept of what exercise is about.  I would like to change both of those things. Tomorrow I plan to do low impact exercises for 30 minutes.  In other words, I wish to start off slow and not procrastinate.  I have an exercise budget as well as a dietary budget.  I have to remember to start off slow and that calories equal budget and so do points.

Working on my neck and on my abs, or rather, core is an excellent start considering the neck pain I have had since I got out of bed this morning.  I have sheets of exercise to follow and I will follow them.  I have had back pain and it is no joke.  I am lucky that it doesn't have too much of an effect on me but it does enough since I have gone to 2 physical therapy sessions.  I have been, and am, more motivated than ever to "move a muscle" and to remind myself not just to not go at it alone, but to make exercise a habit and not a chore.  I would like to remember that it is one day at a time, so I will have less room to beat myself up if I skip a day or if I have the exercise is a chore mindset.  That is the issue that has to be addressed.  Exercise is a necessity for not just physical health, but also for mental and emotional health.  My mind is calmer since I have learned to piece together why exercise is beneficial.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Great exercise advice for me to follow

1. Work out every day. Say what?  I have been having the problem of working out for one to two days much less a whole week.  The reason is to develop the habits of exercise.

2. Stay loose. Whether it comes from a lack of confidence or a determination to lose weight f-a-s-t, beginners are particularly prone to tensing up when working out.  I do suffer from a lack of confidence which produces anxiety which in turn produces frustration which produces failure.  So this also makes sense.

3. Set new goals If only I have goals to set.  I would like to know where I need to begin instead of wondering and questioning what I need to do.

4. Breathe better.  When I started using step exercises, breathing was something I was told to do. The good new is that breathing makes the exercise session more tolerable.  I focused less on the number of repetitions and more on the benefits of doing that specific exercise.

5. How fit am I?  I need to talk to my doctor to determine what exercises are right for me. Unfortunately because of my size there are limits to what I can do, so in that instance, I would find it hard to keep up.  However, it won't deter me in going a long way to being fit.

6. Start low and go slow.  It sounds like an idea that I would like to follow.  However without a plan and without a clear set of goals, that would make even the most changeable goal more difficult.

7. Know when to stretch.  Should I stretch for 15 seconds or 15 minutes? How do I define or what constitutes a stretch?

8. Mix up exercise routines. Whether you’re going for weight loss or bulking up, a mixed regimen of aerobic and strength training is the best way to achieve the body you want. But even within those categories, don’t stick to the same exercises every day,

9. Know my weight and the way to use it.  This would involve not only strength training but the number of reps I can do.  It is also best not to use 10-20 lb weights to begin a routine.

10. Take a break. How long should I let my body rest?  I would like to be able to push forward and rest my body and then continue, but I now wonder how feasible it is.


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Break day but will start off slow

Today is a day that I have taken a day from exercising.  I would like to follow a diet and exercise plan.  I admit that procrastination has not been kind to me.  So I will plan an exercise regimen by starting off slow.

Friday, January 9, 2015

A reminder to move forward

Today is a day that I realize that I need to change my exercise habits.  As one can read or see, I have taken break after break after break.  I have no clue how to plan my exercise regimen.  I feel like I have wasted time trying to figure out how to plan an exercise.  I know it has been a week since I have applied to Weight Watchers but I also realize that I have grown lazy over the years.  I have been sore which has been a great motivator.  I have also seen myself in the mirror and have decided to do something about it.  Maybe I should remind myself of why I have started this all along.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Results for today 1/8/15

Results for today:
Calories burned ~ 20
Speed: ~ 1.4 mph
Time of exercise: Slow walk

l have moved around and exercise for at least 20 minutes this morning.  My plan was supposed to have been for an hour at 60 minutes.  What I would like to and also need to do is to formulate a realistic exercise plan that I can and will follow.  Planning an exercise in which I am physically able would go a long way into overcoming all of the anxiety that I have been dealing with lately, and even now.  I have been told that there have been many been many benefits to exercise.  I would like to be able to exercise so that I can "live out" those benefits.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Results for 1/7/15

Results for today:
Calories burned ~ 40
Speed: ~ 2.4 mph
Time of exercise: 15 minutes on the sitting stepper

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Weight Watchers Exercise Plan Results 1/6/15


Slow walk
Duration time 30 minutes
Activity Points 4

Exercise Stretching and ab workout
Time of duration 10 (low impact)
Activity points 1

Total time of duration 40 minutes
Total activity points overall  5

I did infact take a break this morning as I had an appointment to make.  Unfortunately I did not make it and I would like to not take a break when there is no need to do so.  I also did not slow walk as I was too sore from all of the exercise of yesterday.  Trying to walk on sore feet is a minor inconvenience yet it didn't always feel minor.  As for the stretching and ab workout, I have not done so so my results culminated into using just zero out of the five intended points and 40 minute duration that I was intended to use.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Results for 1/5/15

Results for today:
Calories burned 50
Speed: ~ 3.4
Time of exercise: 15 minutes on the sitting stepper

Friday, January 2, 2015

Results for 1/2/15

Results for today:
Calories burned 20
Speed: ~ 1.22 mph
Time of exercise: 25 minutes of walking

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Results for 1/1/15

Results for today:
Calories burned 20
Speed: ~ 1.52 mph
Time of exercise: 45 minutes of walking