I admit that this is not a traditional exercise blog. That is true. I am not a trainer, a fitness model, or even a chef. I am just a regular person who likes to blog. I would like to learn and also do health-oriented things such as exercise and healthy recipes.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Weekly plan
I can plan for the week. For this week, I plan to walk for a specified amount of time per day, five days per week. I have not been feeling 100% today yet I have some energy now. That is a good thing. I have put off formulating an exercise plan but I plan to walk for 10 minutes at least, 5 days per week every morning. Saturday, I plan to clean up which will take a while and take off a few calories.
Friday, May 30, 2014
No pain, no gain
So, no pain go gain. I did some walking with pushing a heavy cart while shopping for groceries today for at least 30-45 minutes. Yep, that is good exercise. I felt pretty good about myself today. I would like to continue to exercise today, even if it is at a slow pace. I guess, no pain, no gain.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Where do I begin?
I am not sure what to do. I know to diet and exercise, but where should I begin? Should I start to strength train or just walk? I have equipment, but I feel like I am wasting money on the equipment. I am just afraid that I will never use that equipment. In short, I am afraid to fail. I want to start exercising right now but because of my fear, I am just procrastinating. I tend to do some movement early in the morning or later at night, but should I count slow walking as exercise? I would like to be able to move for just ten minutes without being able to worry about how much time I have left to exercise. Where do I begin?
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
State of slight urgency
I went to the doctor and stepped on the scale. I gained about 2 pounds. I have been praying for the motivation, wisdom, and strength to lose weight. I have barely lost the weight. I have been mostly gaining. I know that I need help. Here is my plan. I will walk for 10-20 minutes tonight, which may be too late. I will also walk for about half an hour tomorrow. I want, need, and desire to be healthy, but I have to wonder. What is my real goal? Why do I really want to lose weight and be fit? Why is it so important to me?
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
No more excuses
I should and desire to exercise for 10 minutes a day for now. I wish to start off slowly. I know that I am out of shape and I am very concerned about my health. It is hard to actually get out and exercise because I am self-conscious, so how is it I am so self-conscious? Because I wish to lose 100 pounds, I feel guilty about being so guilty about the lack of exercise that I have done. I have begun to love and to hate exercise at the same time. No matter how motivated, it is as if I cannot find time to actually exercise. I don't wish to make excuses, which is seemingly what I am doing. I am scared for my health and my overall well-being yet I have this mindset. How do I change my mindset? I sometimes feel like quitting, which is what I don't want to do.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Now is the time
It is now time I went to the gym. I wanted to walk in the back yard today. I wished that I could walk and not make excuses.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Planning to walk
Tomorrow, I plan to walk for at least 30 minutes. I would like to be able to lose weight and keep it off and walking seems to be the best exercise. I have gained a lot of weight over the years and the extra weight has taken a toll on my health. It is time for me to stop being inspired to exercise and just actually do it. I cannot and don't expect anyone else to do the exercising for me. I may benefit them but it won't be of any help to not just me, but my overall health. What really has procrastination and unproductive, inconsistent exercise have done for me? Nothing.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
How exercise has been of benefit to me
Yesterday was my last day of physical therapy. I am so relieved that I no longer have to go there but I dare say it wasn't all bad. It made me self-conscious, but in a good way. I now know why I need to exercise, but for me. Physical therapy has been an inspiration to me and today, I actually performed some of the exercises. I wish I had exercised a bit longer today but I felt great just exercising and moving around. Today I can finally say that I did some exercise and not only followed a schedule, but I actually exercised and didn't view it as a chore. I would like to exercise much more as I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and I need to take better care of myself.. I have lost a small amount of weight and I feel so much freer. Exercise has already produced benefits in myself that I didn't think about before. It made me less self-conscious and it just made me feel more useful or rather productive. Health benefits aside, there are the emotional benefits to exercise. I am bipolar and I have obsessive thoughts to deal with yet this week they were not a burden because they were not as hard to deal with as I have been in the past, but at least exercise has "calmed my mind" down. I have become more centered and I did not procrastinate today, which has made me feel better.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
My doubts about scheduling an exercise regime
I will plan to be more specific whenever I make a schedule. I also plan to actually follow a schedule. I have to admit that a schedule is more than a plan but we should all should live by a schedule. Sometimes I tend to live a day rather mindlessly. I may blog one minute on one day and on another day, not blog at all. I have been too lazy to blog lately and for that, I owe an apology. I apologize for not holding myself as credible as I should have. I have difficulty following instructions, schedules, and anything that provides structure. I wish it were a case of live and let live. However, maybe I should be more mindful of the risks of not only following a schedule and not following it, but also being less specific with the type of exercise I am doing. I have been given so much at my disposal that it is time to do so. I do exercise but I still have my feelings on it. I have my doubts about diet as well.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Exercise schedules for May 20, 2014 and May 21, 2014
May 20, 2014
4:30 AM Wake up and get ready for the day
5:00-5:20 AM Housework
5:20-5:30 AM Test Blood Sugar and record reading
5:30-6:00 AM Breakfast and Medication
6:00 AM Test blood sugar and record reading
6:00 AM Get ready for appointment
8:00 AM Get ready for appointment
8:00 AM Appointment
9:00-11:00 AM
11:00 AM Lunch
12:00 AM Nap
1:30 PM Prayer and Bible reading
2:00 PM Snack
2:15-5:00 PM Watch TV or listen to radio
3:00 Exercise-Walking
3:30 Watch TV or listen to the radio
4:00 Prayer and Bible reading
5:00-6:30 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Browsing and blogs
6:45-8:00 Watch TV
8:00-8:15 Snack
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30-8:45 PM Affirmations
8:45-9:00 PM Exercise -Walk
9:00-11:30 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:30-11:45 Get ready to go to bed
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
4:30 AM Wake up and get ready for the day
5:00-5:20 AM Housework
5:20-5:30 AM Test Blood Sugar and record reading
5:30-6:00 AM Breakfast and Medication
6:00 AM Test blood sugar and record reading
6:00 AM Get ready for appointment
8:00 AM Get ready for appointment
8:00 AM Appointment
9:00-11:00 AM
11:00 AM Lunch
12:00 AM Nap
1:30 PM Prayer and Bible reading
2:00 PM Snack
2:15-5:00 PM Watch TV or listen to radio
3:00 Exercise-Walking
3:30 Watch TV or listen to the radio
4:00 Prayer and Bible reading
5:00-6:30 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Browsing and blogs
6:45-8:00 Watch TV
8:00-8:15 Snack
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30-8:45 PM Affirmations
8:45-9:00 PM Exercise -Walk
9:00-11:30 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:30-11:45 Get ready to go to bed
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
May 21, 2014
4:30 AM Wake up and get ready for the day
5:00-5:20 AM Housework
5:20-5:30 AM Test Blood Sugar and record reading
5:30-6:00 AM Breakfast and Medication
6:00 AM Test blood sugar and record reading
6:00 AM Browse the internet
8:00 AM Get ready for appointment
10:00 AM Appointment
11:00 AM Lunch
12:00 AM Nap
2:30 PM Prayer
2:00 PM Snack
2:15-5:00 PM Watch TV or listen to radio
3:00 Exercise-Walking
3:30 Pray, Watch TV or listen to the radio
4:00 Prayer and Bible reading
5:00-6:30 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Browsing and blogs
6:45-8:00 Watch TV
8:00-8:15 Snack
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30-8:45 PM Affirmations
8:45-9:00 PM Exercise -Walk
9:00-11:30 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:30-11:45 Get ready to go to bed
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
Monday, May 19, 2014
Exercise Schedule 5/19/14
May 19, 2014
4:30 AM Wake up and get ready for the day
5:00-5:20 AM Housework
5:20-5:30 AM Test Blood Sugar and record reading
5:30-6:00 AM Breakfast and Medication
6:00 AM Test blood sugar and record reading
6:00 AM Exercise
7:00-7:30 AM Browse online
7:30 AM Get ready for appointment
8:00 AM Exercise-walking
8:30 AM Listen to music
8:45-9:00 AM Snack
9:00-11:00 AM Appointment
11:30 AM Lunch
12:00 PM Nap
1:30 PM Prayer and Bible reading
2:00 PM Snack
2:15-5:00 PM Watch TV or listen to radio
5:00-6:30 PM Dinner
6:00 PM Browsing and blogs
6:45-8:00 Watch TV
8:00-8:15 Snack
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30-8:45 PM Affirmations
8:45-9:00 PM Walk
9:00-11:30 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:30-11:45 Get ready to go to bed
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
I have come to realize that when it comes to my exercise schedule, I need to be specific as to what my exercises are. Why I didn't think about that, I have no idea. For instance, I do walk but there are times when I should say that I do ab exercises at 6:00 AM or watch on TV. I have largely followed my schedule barring moments of illness and travel times.
4:30 AM Wake up and get ready for the day
5:00-5:20 AM Housework
5:20-5:30 AM Test Blood Sugar and record reading
5:30-6:00 AM Breakfast and Medication
6:00 AM Test blood sugar and record reading
6:00 AM Exercise
7:00-7:30 AM Browse online
7:30 AM Get ready for appointment
8:00 AM Exercise-walking
8:30 AM Listen to music
8:45-9:00 AM Snack
9:00-11:00 AM Appointment
11:30 AM Lunch
12:00 PM Nap
1:30 PM Prayer and Bible reading
2:00 PM Snack
2:15-5:00 PM Watch TV or listen to radio
5:00-6:30 PM Dinner
6:00 PM Browsing and blogs
6:45-8:00 Watch TV
8:00-8:15 Snack
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30-8:45 PM Affirmations
8:45-9:00 PM Walk
9:00-11:30 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:30-11:45 Get ready to go to bed
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
I have come to realize that when it comes to my exercise schedule, I need to be specific as to what my exercises are. Why I didn't think about that, I have no idea. For instance, I do walk but there are times when I should say that I do ab exercises at 6:00 AM or watch on TV. I have largely followed my schedule barring moments of illness and travel times.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Exercise Schedule 5/18/14
May 18, 2014
7:00 AM Wake up and get ready for the day
8:25-8:35 AM Housework
8:35 AM Breakfast and Medication
Test Blood Sugar and record reading
9:00 AM Exercise-go online
9:00-10:30 AM Prayer and listening to music
10:30 AM Snack
11:00 AM Browsing online
11:30 AM Prayer and Bible reading
12:00 PM-2:00 PM Nap
2:00 PM Lunch and Medication
Test blood sugar and record reading
3:00 Housework
3:30 Exercise
4:00 PM Listen to Radio and watch TV
5:00 PM Snack
5:10 PM Browse online and blog entries
6:00 PM Online Exercise videos
6:15 PM Dinner or evening meal
6:45 PM Browsing
7:45 PM Prayer and listening to music
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30 PM Affirmations
8:45 PM Walk
9:00 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
7:00 AM Wake up and get ready for the day
8:25-8:35 AM Housework
8:35 AM Breakfast and Medication
Test Blood Sugar and record reading
9:00 AM Exercise-go online
9:00-10:30 AM Prayer and listening to music
10:30 AM Snack
11:00 AM Browsing online
11:30 AM Prayer and Bible reading
12:00 PM-2:00 PM Nap
2:00 PM Lunch and Medication
Test blood sugar and record reading
3:00 Housework
3:30 Exercise
4:00 PM Listen to Radio and watch TV
5:00 PM Snack
5:10 PM Browse online and blog entries
6:00 PM Online Exercise videos
6:15 PM Dinner or evening meal
6:45 PM Browsing
7:45 PM Prayer and listening to music
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30 PM Affirmations
8:45 PM Walk
9:00 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Exercise Schedule 5/17/14
May 17, 2014
8:00 AM Wake up and get ready for the day
8:25-8:30 AM Housework
8:30 AM Breakfast and Medication
Test Blood Sugar and record reading
9:00 AM Exercise-Walking
9:00-10:30 AM Prayer and listening to music
10:30 AM Snack
11:00 AM Browsing online
11:30 AM Prayer and Bible reading
12:00 PM-2:00 PM Nap
1:30 PM Lunch and Medication
Test blood sugar and record reading
3:00 PM Snack
4:00 PM Listen to Radio and watch TV
4:30 PM Snack
5:00 PM Browse online and blog entries
6:00 PM Online Exercise videos
6:15 PM Dinner or evening meal
6:45 PM Browsing
7:45 PM Prayer and listening to music
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30 PM Affirmations
8:45 PM Walk
9:00 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
8:00 AM Wake up and get ready for the day
8:25-8:30 AM Housework
8:30 AM Breakfast and Medication
Test Blood Sugar and record reading
9:00 AM Exercise-Walking
9:00-10:30 AM Prayer and listening to music
10:30 AM Snack
11:00 AM Browsing online
11:30 AM Prayer and Bible reading
12:00 PM-2:00 PM Nap
1:30 PM Lunch and Medication
Test blood sugar and record reading
3:00 PM Snack
4:00 PM Listen to Radio and watch TV
4:30 PM Snack
5:00 PM Browse online and blog entries
6:00 PM Online Exercise videos
6:15 PM Dinner or evening meal
6:45 PM Browsing
7:45 PM Prayer and listening to music
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30 PM Affirmations
8:45 PM Walk
9:00 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
Friday, May 16, 2014
Exercise Schedule for 5/16/14
May 16, 2014
7:30 AM Wake up
8:00 AM Prayer and meditation- fasting
9:00 AM Prayer and listening to music- fasting
9:30 AM Prayer and listening to music
10:00 AM listening to music
11:00 AM Lunch and medication
12:00 PM-2:00 PM Physical therapy
1:30 PM Afternoon Snack
2:00 PM Physical Therapy
4:00 PM Arrival/Watch TV
4:30 PM Evening meal
5:00 PM Browse online and blog entries
6:00 PM Medication
6:15 PM Test Blood Sugar
6:45 PM Browsing
7:45 PM Prayer
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30 PM Affirmations
8:45 PM Walk
9:15 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
The Physical therapy has been beneficial I have at least two appointments left. I have gained weight and I don't feel good about it. As a matter of fact, I feel more motivated than ever. I know of my limitations and my risks and I don't want that for me. The session was at least 45 minutes long. I started the session with using the sitting stepper for a few minutes with an average of 80 steps per minute.
7:30 AM Wake up
8:00 AM Prayer and meditation- fasting
9:00 AM Prayer and listening to music- fasting
9:30 AM Prayer and listening to music
10:00 AM listening to music
11:00 AM Lunch and medication
12:00 PM-2:00 PM Physical therapy
1:30 PM Afternoon Snack
2:00 PM Physical Therapy
4:00 PM Arrival/Watch TV
4:30 PM Evening meal
5:00 PM Browse online and blog entries
6:00 PM Medication
6:15 PM Test Blood Sugar
6:45 PM Browsing
7:45 PM Prayer
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30 PM Affirmations
8:45 PM Walk
9:15 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
The Physical therapy has been beneficial I have at least two appointments left. I have gained weight and I don't feel good about it. As a matter of fact, I feel more motivated than ever. I know of my limitations and my risks and I don't want that for me. The session was at least 45 minutes long. I started the session with using the sitting stepper for a few minutes with an average of 80 steps per minute.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
My exercise schedule for 5/15/14
May 15, 2014
6:30 AM Wake up and get ready for the day
7:00 AM Housework
7:30 AM Breakfast and Medication
Test Blood Sugar and record reading
8:00 AM Exercise-Walking
9:00 AM Prayer and listening to music
9:30 AM Snack
10:00 AM get ready for afternoon appointment
11:00 AM Prayer and Bible reading
12:00 PM-2:00 PM Physical therapy
1:30 PM Lunch and Medication
Test blood sugar and record reading
2:00 PM Nap
4:00 PM Listen to Radio
4:30 PM Snack
5:00 PM Browse online and blog entries
6:00 PM Online Exercise videos
6:15 PM Dinner and Medication
6:45 PM Browsing
7:45 PM Prayer and listening to music
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30 PM Affirmations
8:45 PM Walk
9:15 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
6:30 AM Wake up and get ready for the day
7:00 AM Housework
7:30 AM Breakfast and Medication
Test Blood Sugar and record reading
8:00 AM Exercise-Walking
9:00 AM Prayer and listening to music
9:30 AM Snack
10:00 AM get ready for afternoon appointment
11:00 AM Prayer and Bible reading
12:00 PM-2:00 PM Physical therapy
1:30 PM Lunch and Medication
Test blood sugar and record reading
2:00 PM Nap
4:00 PM Listen to Radio
4:30 PM Snack
5:00 PM Browse online and blog entries
6:00 PM Online Exercise videos
6:15 PM Dinner and Medication
6:45 PM Browsing
7:45 PM Prayer and listening to music
8:15 PM Prayer and meditation
8:30 PM Affirmations
8:45 PM Walk
9:15 PM Watch TV or a movie
11:45 PM Questioning events of the day concerning what matters that is positive
11:50 PM-12:00 AM Sleep
The exercise includes physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional exercise. That doesn't sound so bad though. The problem is, I did not follow a schedule and I am a believer of following a schedule to the letter. Even today, I have not followed the schedule barring aches, pains, and other things. I realize that appointments are also among those other things.
Here is the real schedule for the day:
8:30-9:00 AM Wake Up
Test blood sugar and record reading
9:00-9:10 AM Housework
9:10-10:00 AM Browsing online
9:30-11:00 AM Lunch
11:00-12:00 PM Watch TV
12:00-12:30 Browse online
12:30-2:00 PM listen to music/radio
2:00 PM-4:00 PM Browse/watch TV
4:00-6:30 PM Blogs
6:30-7:30 PM Dinner
Test Blood Sugar and record reading
7:30-8:00 PM Watch TV
8:00-9:00 PM Walk
9:00-12:00 AM Pray, meditate, and sleep time
I noticed that the real schedule doesn't match up with the supposed schedule or rather the one I supposed to follow. I wonder how my life would improve if I were to follow a schedule. There is a lot of time wasted there and I am bored. I would like to be happy with myself but I am not sure where to begin. In fact, I am not sure where to begin in life, period. The second schedule is about my life. I do wonder what it really says about me. I shudder to think.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
My first two days of scheduling an exercise regimen...well at least to try to
I would like to leave room for appointments, yard work, and other things that I do during the course of a day or week. For instance, I have appointments on Tuesday at 8:00 AM. I also go to physical therapy which I would like to fit into my exercise routine being that I have some equipment needed to perform the exercises.
7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Appointment
11:00 AM Arrive Home
11:30 AM Listen to the radio
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Nap
3:00 PM Snack
3:30 PM Exercise-walking
4:00 PM Listen to radio
5:00 PM Go online-blogs
6:00 PM Online exercise videos
6:10 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Rest
7:00 PM Watch TV
8:00 PM Walk
9:00 PM Watch a movie
11:00 PM Prayer and meditation
11:30 PM Sleep Time
Wednesday 5/14/14
7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Housework
8:30 AM Yard work
9:00 AM Walking
9:30 AM Get ready for appointment
10:00 AM Snack
10:20 AM Finish getting ready for appointment
12:00-1:00 PM Appointment Physical Therapy
1:00 PM Go back to the house, plus arrival time
2:00 PM Walking and Listening to Music
3:00 PM Snack
3:30 PM Exercise-walking
4:00 PM Listen to radio
5:00 PM Go online-blogs
6:00 PM Online exercise videos
6:10 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Rest
7:00 PM Watch TV
8:00 PM Walk
9:00 PM Watch a movie
11:00 PM Prayer and meditation
11:30 PM Sleep Time
7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Appointment
11:00 AM Arrive Home
11:30 AM Listen to the radio
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Nap
3:00 PM Snack
3:30 PM Exercise-walking
4:00 PM Listen to radio
5:00 PM Go online-blogs
6:00 PM Online exercise videos
6:10 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Rest
7:00 PM Watch TV
8:00 PM Walk
9:00 PM Watch a movie
11:00 PM Prayer and meditation
11:30 PM Sleep Time
Wednesday 5/14/14
7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Housework
8:30 AM Yard work
9:00 AM Walking
9:30 AM Get ready for appointment
10:00 AM Snack
10:20 AM Finish getting ready for appointment
12:00-1:00 PM Appointment Physical Therapy
1:00 PM Go back to the house, plus arrival time
2:00 PM Walking and Listening to Music
3:00 PM Snack
3:30 PM Exercise-walking
4:00 PM Listen to radio
5:00 PM Go online-blogs
6:00 PM Online exercise videos
6:10 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Rest
7:00 PM Watch TV
8:00 PM Walk
9:00 PM Watch a movie
11:00 PM Prayer and meditation
11:30 PM Sleep Time
Monday, May 12, 2014
Exercise Schedule....I need to make one of those...wikihow.com
1. Select a time for a weekly planning session. In order to locate pockets of time for each upcoming week, get your calendar out; you won't need more than 15 minutes to organize your schedule. To keep yourself reminded of the time you've designated, make sure this information is available on the calendar you're most likely to look at daily.
2. Record all of your obligations for the week. Fill in everything you can think of that requires your time.
3. Look at the pockets of available time between activities or appointments. This is where you'll schedule your daily workout routines.
Highlight your open windows of time. Identify varying time slots in order to tailor your workouts to the available time you have. The more time you have, the better. No matter what time slots you have, there are resources available to fit your lifestyle:
60 minutes or more?
50 minutes
40 minutes
30 minutes
20 minutes
10 minutes
4. For optimal results, schedule 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 3 to 4 times per week. Many people find cardiovascular exercise a daunting task because they try to get in way too much cardio. That's right – too much! To achieve most fitness goals, you'll want to do 20 to 30 minutes of cardio three times per week at your target heart rate. This means that you can get yourself changed, sneakers on, and complete your cardio workout in a total of 30 to 40 minutes!
Be sure to pick something you're willing to do. Without choosing what you enjoy doing, you can have a hard time getting motivated to do cardio.
Write down "cardiovascular exercise" in time slots that give you 30 to 40 minutes of free time.
5. Schedule 30 minutes of strength training exercise at least three times per week. Taking that first step is often the toughest. Make yourself accountable by signing up for a personal training session or partnering with a friend. 30 to 40 minutes of strength training is optimal; however, you can fit some exercises in as little as 10 minutes if you're prepared to optimize those short bursts of free time.
Have a set of dumbbells ready to go under your desk.
Throw some tubing or bands in a desk drawer for easy access.
Bookmark some interesting workouts on YouTube.
6. Optimize with three 30 minute workouts. If you do choose ten minute blocks, be sure to fit three of these short workouts in on one day.
7. Look your schedule over.
Have you fit in 3 sessions of cardiovascular exercise for 30 minutes each in your week?
How did you do with strength training? Have you scheduled at least three sessions of 30 minutes?
8. Stick with your schedule for the week. Following through with your exercise plan will give you a sense of accomplishment. You can tweak your routine next week if necessary.
When you've completed each workout, check it off on your calendar, PDA, cell phone, etc.
Notice what works for you and what doesn't so you can make changes when planning day comes around again.
9. Repeat each week. By sticking with a planning day and creating a schedule each week, you're more likely to stick with your plan and reach your goals.
At the end of each week, note what worked and what needs to be changed.
If your plan worked well for you this week, repeat. If not, make the necessary changes.
2. Record all of your obligations for the week. Fill in everything you can think of that requires your time.
3. Look at the pockets of available time between activities or appointments. This is where you'll schedule your daily workout routines.
Highlight your open windows of time. Identify varying time slots in order to tailor your workouts to the available time you have. The more time you have, the better. No matter what time slots you have, there are resources available to fit your lifestyle:
60 minutes or more?
50 minutes
40 minutes
30 minutes
20 minutes
10 minutes
4. For optimal results, schedule 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 3 to 4 times per week. Many people find cardiovascular exercise a daunting task because they try to get in way too much cardio. That's right – too much! To achieve most fitness goals, you'll want to do 20 to 30 minutes of cardio three times per week at your target heart rate. This means that you can get yourself changed, sneakers on, and complete your cardio workout in a total of 30 to 40 minutes!
Be sure to pick something you're willing to do. Without choosing what you enjoy doing, you can have a hard time getting motivated to do cardio.
Write down "cardiovascular exercise" in time slots that give you 30 to 40 minutes of free time.
5. Schedule 30 minutes of strength training exercise at least three times per week. Taking that first step is often the toughest. Make yourself accountable by signing up for a personal training session or partnering with a friend. 30 to 40 minutes of strength training is optimal; however, you can fit some exercises in as little as 10 minutes if you're prepared to optimize those short bursts of free time.
Have a set of dumbbells ready to go under your desk.
Throw some tubing or bands in a desk drawer for easy access.
Bookmark some interesting workouts on YouTube.
6. Optimize with three 30 minute workouts. If you do choose ten minute blocks, be sure to fit three of these short workouts in on one day.
7. Look your schedule over.
Have you fit in 3 sessions of cardiovascular exercise for 30 minutes each in your week?
How did you do with strength training? Have you scheduled at least three sessions of 30 minutes?
8. Stick with your schedule for the week. Following through with your exercise plan will give you a sense of accomplishment. You can tweak your routine next week if necessary.
When you've completed each workout, check it off on your calendar, PDA, cell phone, etc.
Notice what works for you and what doesn't so you can make changes when planning day comes around again.
9. Repeat each week. By sticking with a planning day and creating a schedule each week, you're more likely to stick with your plan and reach your goals.
At the end of each week, note what worked and what needs to be changed.
If your plan worked well for you this week, repeat. If not, make the necessary changes.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Exercise is important
I have yet to exercise today but like I mentioned earlier, I have a schedule to make. Taking care of oneself is very important and to myself as well. I have no excuses.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
May exercise schedule
I really need to set up a schedule and stick to it.
Actually, I would rather that I stick to a schedule made by me, follow the instructions I have been given, and stick to that schedule so that I could get healthy.
Buying all of the equipment in the world will not help me if I don't eat healthy and lose weight. I want to lose weight but lately my eating has been out of control. I am not doing well right now and I did exercise some today. I walked and it felt great. But then again, walking with music always feels great. I would like to also learn how to apply what I have learned to my daily life in terms of the benefits of exercise.
These are the ones that apply to me.
1. Weight Control.
2. Combats health conditions and diseases.
3. Mood improvement.
4. Energy boost.
5. Promotes better sleep.
6. Improves sex life.
7. Exercise can be fun
8. Longer life
9. Improves cognitive function.
10. Improves one's fitness.
Actually, I would rather that I stick to a schedule made by me, follow the instructions I have been given, and stick to that schedule so that I could get healthy.
Buying all of the equipment in the world will not help me if I don't eat healthy and lose weight. I want to lose weight but lately my eating has been out of control. I am not doing well right now and I did exercise some today. I walked and it felt great. But then again, walking with music always feels great. I would like to also learn how to apply what I have learned to my daily life in terms of the benefits of exercise.
These are the ones that apply to me.
1. Weight Control.
2. Combats health conditions and diseases.
3. Mood improvement.
4. Energy boost.
5. Promotes better sleep.
6. Improves sex life.
7. Exercise can be fun
8. Longer life
9. Improves cognitive function.
10. Improves one's fitness.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Improvement in my regimen
Today I tried some exercises that I did Thursday. However, I could use a little improvement in my lackadaisical exercise routine. The truth is, I need to exercise more. I plan to exercise tomorrow. The exercise routine I plan to do? I plan to walk, do yard work, and even do some strength training. I have grown tired of being self-conscious of my body. I think now is the time to apply what I need to do and it took me some therapy and planning meals to do so.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
I even did some dancing
I realize that starting off slow is the way to go, for now. I cannot stay slow however. I did some walking today but I realize that it was rather slow for just a few minutes. I am doing better with application of food to my diet. I am also eating better. However, I would like to make adjustments to my exercise routine. I want to lose weight and keep it off.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Session for today
Ever since I have been in physical therapy my back pain lessened. This has motivated me to exercise more, at least modified. I don't have all of the equipment needed to do the exercises that I wish to do but I am sure that I will find something to exercise with. I have lost a little bit of weight so far and I feel great. Exercise has done some good for me.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
No pain, no gain
I meant to yesterday write an entry in all of my blogs. For the past two days, however, I did do some minor exercise. It is always good to start off slow. I wonder if no pain no gain should apply. I have wondered that for a while. Is there any benefit to one having pains during exercise? I mostly exercised my arms for both days and I feel pretty good today.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Realizations for today
I have realized that exercise is so important. I am just tired. I feel like I am falling apart at the seams though I know that I am not. However, without exercise, I will end up getting worse mentally and physically. I have done some exercising in physical therapy and other times, but diet and exercise means both diet AND exercise. My diet has been poor and I have failed to plan. A failure to plan and apply is to apply and plan to fail. I am scared of failure and that is why I fail. I wish that I had learned this earlier, but I am thankful that I have learned this now.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Today, I am a bit concerned
Despite working in the yard and cleaning the house for a few minutes, I didn't do much else in terms of movement. Getting fresh air and actually doing something did me some good. I am glad to have done some work today otherwise I would have fallen asleep today. Today I felt lazy whenever I fell asleep. I need to wake up literally and figuratively. I am worried for myself. If I don't start exercising more per week, then I will never begin to exercise.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Great, but tiring day
I have exercised quite a bit today. I pushed a cart, used a seated stepper, and stretched myself. Now I am tired. I worked and exercised for at least 2 hours today. I don't know exactly how many calories I burned but it was certainly a good workout.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Today's trouble
Despite my reasons fro exercise, sadly that is not what I did today. I am not sore or anything like that, yet today I have no excuse. Failure to plan for days like this means that I have planned to fail.
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