Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Results for 12/31/14

Results for today:
Calories burned 42
Speed: ~ 2.52 mph
Time of exercise: 13 minutes on a stepper plus 47 minutes of stretches

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tuesday break

I took a break today.  I have said this.  I need to stop.  It is time.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Results for 12/29/14

Results for today:
Calories burned 40
Speed: ~1.96
Time of exercise: 15 minutes plus 45 minutes of stretches.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Exercise plan fail

I have formed an exercise plan earlier this year.  I thought that back then I was 100% committed.  No matter what the circumstances were, the only one who was holding me back was me.  I threw myself off and I don't wish to say I never recovered but needless to say, I have yet to hit my stride.  I exercise and move around, but aerobic and anaerobic exercises are things that I haven't done in a while. According to the plan, I would take a break on Sundays and Tuesdays.  I remember that more so than anything else.  Exercise isn't fun anymore.  Despite the benefits of exercise, I have learned to not like it.  It is not strenuous.  I am always a beginner.  I have no clue how physically able I truly am. Physically I am not in shape yet I have no real desire or 100 % commitment to exercise.  It is wrong to have this but I definitely need a change in mindset.

Friday, December 26, 2014

100% Commitment

I am not as tired as I have been yesterday.  However walking did me some good even if it wasn't a brisk walk.  I have begun to grown weary of whatever lack of progress I believe I have.  I don't even know the results I have.  I am out of shape mentally and physically.  In order to lose weight, I have to be 100% committed to not just diet, but also exercise.  I would like more positive posts about my exercise regimen and weight loss progress.  That will be my only goals, other than to be in shape mentally and physically.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Movement and exercise for Christmas

If Christmas preparation and washing dishes are not exercises, I don't know what is.  It may not qualify as an aerobic exercise, but it should.  Okay, I did walk for nearly half an hour however.  I hope it at least did me some good.  I consumed a lot of food today.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas preparation

Unfortunately, I didn't get to exercise much.  I believe that working hard and making preparations is an exercise unto itself.  Ironically, whatever calories I burn will be replaced with food, food, and more food.  I will exercise it off, but later on.  lol

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Today's results for a Tuesday for a change

I took a break today...mostly today.  However, I did some cleaning and also some walking.  I may have burned no more than 100 calories today.  Other than that, I have taken a break today.

Monday, December 22, 2014

I hope this counts

The fact that I did some cleaning as well as cooking and sampling is exercise in itself.  I know it is not enough, but I have wondered a lot of things about myself and what I need to do to get in shape. I need to know how many calories I actually did burn today.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

This weekend

Unfortunately I have no results to give.  I did not exercise.  However, I wonder if cooking is an exercise.  I also wonder if cleaning and lifting heavier objects also qualify as exercise.  This past weekend I didn't rest all day.  I actually did some work and it wasn't easily.  If only I know the results such as the calories I burned this weekend.

Friday, December 19, 2014

My results for today 12/19/14

Results for today:
Calories burned 33
Speed: ~2.48 mph
Time of exercise: 10 minutes plus 40 minutes of stretches.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Having a bad back is no joke.

I haven't done any exercise today.  I did mean to do some slow walking today.  On the other hand, I did manage to lose a pound.  I tried to do some exercise today.  I did some stretches but I was way too tired to do any kind of walking.  I was in such pain yesterday that it put me to sleep.  I have some answers, but I cannot pinpoint what was going on.  I was also nauseated, which is also not fun.  I exercise so that my back needs to be straightened due to a bad back.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tuesday is a break day...

Every Tuesday I take a break.  My reasoning is that I have an appointment every Tuesday.  As a matter of fact, I have had breaks every Sunday and Tuesday.  It is based on an old schedule that I have made and that has stuck.  In that schedule, I was to work out 5 days a week.  I would like to exercise for even five minutes a day.  I am not as active as I once was.  If I were to have a New Year's resolution, I would plan a diet and exercise schedule and follow it. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Lifting hay

Today, I did some lifting.  I helped my mother lift bags of hay today.  It wasn't back breaking but it did some work on my thighs. I honestly don't know how many calories I have burned per hour, but I believe that it is more than 100 calories in that hour.  I rarely raked the leaves today but at least the yard looks great.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sheet of exercises

I have a list of stretches that I need to do.  The purposes are to strengthen my back and to improve my posture.  I wonder if another goal is for me to lose weight.  I have done none of the stretching, at least for a while.  Taking it seriously is something that is good advice for me.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Calories burned doing yard work

Doing yard work is quite a workout.  I burned an average of 250 calories per hour.  I worked almost 2 hours which would be 500 calories.  Yard work isn't hard but it isn't easy either.  Neither is lifting heavy bags which can be stressful on one's back.  All and all, I am doing well today.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Results for 12/12/14

I was using the stepper this morning for 12 minutes.  I also used music which is quite the motivator. The results are 2.4 mph with an average 150 calories per hour.  In other words, it was a bit slower than yesterday; the average amount of calories was 32 calories for the entire session.  Other than that, I learned about exercises that would help with the misalignment of my pelvis and exercises for the core and glutes.  The average session is 45 minutes.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Today's results

Number of calories burned; 32
Miles per hour: 2.6

These are the results that I had today.  I used a stepper while during physical therapy.  It didn't seem like 10 minutes.  Ten minutes have helped to work on my core.  Today I feel pretty good about the results that I have.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I cannot dance.  However, I feel like dancing, lol.  I didn't do much in the dancing department but learning how to dance would be wonderful for me.  It would help me very much with my back.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday I took a break

Tuesday is a day when I take my breaks.  Now I wonder if I should even do that.  Tuesday should be a day that I exercise.  It is time to rethink how I exercise and when I exercise.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Movement for today

I gained weight.  I gained 6 pounds and I am not happy about that.  Maybe I feel just fine and I did do some exercise, which means that I may have gained muscle.  I feel okay about the weight gain. However, to a diabetic, weight gain is an issue and having PCOS means that I need to change my diet and my exercise routine.  I did however do a slow walk and some dancing today.  I did some movement though I should do more strenuous exercise.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


I took a break from even the slowest exercise.  Now I wonder if I should even take a break...ever.  I am hard on myself because I go in ebbs.  My weight goes up and down and so does my motivation to exercise.  It is an ugly cycle that it hard to break.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Slow walk

Sadly, I only took a slow walk for just a few minutes, if even that.  I have no idea how many calories, if any, my slow walk burned.  That is what I get for not taking the pedometer with me.  The average slow walk for an hour is about 20 calories at most.  I feel like a productive person when I exercise.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Physical therapy today

I went to the physical therapist out of town for the first time today.  I missed exercising that would include a sitting "step-climber" or a slow walk.  I also need to stretch my muscles.  This would be good for my back.  I spent between 10 minutes on the sitting step and about 5 minutes on doing stretches and tightening in muscles.  So it has been a while since I have done any kind of workout (other than yard work or shopping).  Today, I burned 30 calories and "walked" for 10 minutes at 0.2 miles.  Unless my math is wrong, it is a rather slow 1.2 mph.  Oh well, it is better than nothing.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Yard work

Today, I helped with the yard work.  I wished that I had taken the odometer with me.  That would determine the calorie count.  I was there for an hour and I will estimate it to be 20 calories.  Today was a rather decent day yet I wasn't the least bit tired.  Maybe because the yard work was light. Heavy yard work for 2 hours work would be at least 300 calories.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Not a great testimony for me I admit

Despite my aches and pains, I have decided to forge on.  Forging on means to move around and exercise.  While I don't do much, at least I am doing something.  However what I do is nothing to brag about.  I realize that while change doesn't come easily for me, I know that it is not impossible.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The science and artistry of exercise

I believe that there is more to exercise than stretches and dumbbells.  There is the fitness and the science behind exercise.  With the changes in the body and in the mindset comes not just science but an artistry to it.  Meanwhile I was given another sheet but this time for the neck.  There was a little bit of degeneration but the real pain was a muscular pain.  In other words, I had a tension  headache.  A little stretching can do me some good, well, at least more than it has already done.