I admit that this is not a traditional exercise blog. That is true. I am not a trainer, a fitness model, or even a chef. I am just a regular person who likes to blog. I would like to learn and also do health-oriented things such as exercise and healthy recipes.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Leslie Sansone's 3 mile walk Workout
Friday, February 27, 2015
Walk Indoors Interval Workout
This was a rather simple workout. It wasn't complex or anything like that. I used this video for around 15 minutes or so. It was before 7 PM when the workout was over. I like walking in place and walking in intervals. It is quite good for people at my fitness level with my health concerns. I am doing better and though it has only been a week since I started, I feel great already. Mentally I am more refreshed and physically I feel better as well.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Ellen Barrett's 10 Minute Power Walk
I don't wish to make a habit out of reviewing videos, just utilize them as a part of my workout routine. I have learned that this is a good video for beginners yet it can be dull. It wasn't the best workout video I have played but it was an okay workout. I have learned that yesterday I didn't wish to focus on the length of the video but on the quality of the workout. It is a quality workout and it was very easy to follow, but it was dull at some points.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
My plan for today 2/25/15
Today I plan to walk for 10-15 minutes using a walking workout dvd. They have been helpful but I have to continue to push myself and remind myself of my goal. My goal is to lose 100 lbs. So far, I have lost 10, which means I have 90 to go. I didn't do much exercise yesterday and I wrote about what I saw. My shadow was that of someone who was out of shape and wanted to lose weight. I have further been inspired by seeing pics of weight loss transformations only to realize that I tend to compare myself to other people. I would like to admire myself for the hard work and dedication it took to lose weight and further, to keep it off. It would require more than 10-15 minutes of exercise per day I'm sure. My plan is to lose a total of 100 lbs within a year. That is how long I plan to lose this weight, so I was right in saying that this current goal is only temporary.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Changing my goals
I did some stretches for my stomach, which is good. There was even a plan put into place. One extra minute per five minute stretch per week until I get to exercise for about 30 minutes per day. I saw my shadow this morning I didn't like what I saw. It brought to mind that even though my goal of at least 10-15 minutes per day is temporary, I realize that I need to push myself harder. The goal that I was given this morning is realistic enough and I admit that I do procrastinate. I hope that I don't make too many excuses if any at all. I walk for 10-15 minutes per day but I "tap out" within five minutes. Maybe I should incorporate stretches or some other exercises into my routine. That would be helpful. I admit I am out of shape and I look and "feel" out of shape so starting off slow is a good thing but how often should I change my goals?
Monday, February 23, 2015
My break yesterday and my weight loss today
Yesterday I did not exercise. However, I should have. I lost 0.6 lbs to be exact so it isn't my weight. It is what I ate later on. My weight is dropping off slowly which I like so I feel pretty good about that. I will finish exercising today. So far, my goal is to walk for at least 10-15 minutes per day. I realize that procrastination will get me nowhere so what needs to be done is to start off a plan for now. So for now, my exercise regimen will be small so yes, 10-15 minutes is quite small and a slow start.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
12-Minute Fat Burning Power Walk Home Workout
This video courtesy of Jessica Smith TV (jessicasmithtv) is quite a workout. I tried this out yesterday around 6 pm or so. I realize that after using this video, that my temporary exercise plan will be to walk 10-15 minutes per day at least. It is only temporary. I have been advised to not give up. Hopefully I will make this a habit. I will weigh myself tomorrow so by then I will get a gauge of how much I have lost if any at all. Today I am taking a break from my week of exercise, which will begin tomorrow. My goal for now is to workout for at least 10-15 minutes per day for 5 days a week with breaks on Sundays and Tuesdays.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Indoor Walking Exercise with Jessica Smith
Friday, February 20, 2015
Denise Austin's Fat-Blasting Cardio Walk Workout
Denise Austin used to annoy me...a lot. I tried to avoid her whenever possible, but I decided that maybe she is a nice lady who is good at being a fitness guru. I am sure she has helped a lot of people lose weight. Maybe she can do the same thing for me. So yesterday I tried this walking workout. I had to keep up and I tried. It was actually quite a workout. It was a fun 15 minutes. If someone were to ask me if they would recommend it, then I would. So this is the video I used to move a muscle to. It is simple and requires no equipment. Best of all, it is free to anyone who uses Youtube. Maybe I should try this same video today, or some other time.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Motivated to walk
After the advice I took in yesterday, I have started to feel better about myself. I do care. I am motivated. I just don't know where to begin. However, walking may be a good start. I plan to walk for the next few days. My goal isn't just to start exercising again, but maybe to make it a habit. My plan for now is to walk for 15-20 minutes a day at least 4-5 days per week.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Got back from the doctor
I finally got advice about exercise from my doctor. It was well appreciated by me. I like to walk, but it is probably too cold outside to walk right now. Tomorrow it will be freezing almost. I don't wish to slip and I was told that it will get easier over time, if I were to make it a habit. I do care about my health. I also am motivated. I would like to walk and do other things, but I have not made any plans as of yet, but I will. Meanwhile I need to take advice. It is time to make a plan.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
I am taking a break today, but there are things that I have to say
I plan to take a break today. I realized this morning that my health is too important. I am important. I am worth it. I am beautiful and I love and respect myself no matter what my weight is. Having said all of that, I need to change my routine. I need to exercise and I want to. I am not waiting for anything or anyone. Getting over my fears is something I need to do. I am being real here. I have been taking a break today. Maybe it is time for a change. My desire is to change but change doesn't always come easy for me. All I know is that I am worth it because being healthy is a blessing. I have taken my health for granted and now today is the time that I no longer take my health for granted. What is it that I enjoy doing, again? lol
Monday, February 16, 2015
Exercise schedule for 2/16-2/18
Walk for 30 minutes
Yardwork for 30 minutes
Walk for 30 minutes
Yardwork for 30 minutes
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Time to be real
“Accept everything about yourself–I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end–no apologies, no regrets.” -Clark Moustakas
It is time for me to be real. I feel better when I exercise. I find myself asking what I am waiting for. I don't know what really to do. I don't wish to make any more excuses. That is what I have been doing. I am looking to buy equipment or a gym membership. At the same time I want to walk. I have been overwhelmed and that is the problem. The procrastination is a symptom of a much larger problem. The problem is, I lack the sheer motivation to exercise. I don't know what is wrong with me. The closer I get to actually doing it the farther off I slide. I may slow walk but I realize that is not enough. I know I am not healthy. I am 40 years old and I take 5+ medications a day, some for diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. I have PCOS and I have grown tired of the vicious cycle of diet, exercise, and ups and downs in my weight. I need help in defeating that and I have been hesitant to begin an exercise regimen for fears that I will fall or break a bone. I also have a fear that even if I do exercise, my goal of more permanent weight loss won't be accomplished because I always end up overwhelmed and give up. That is why I don't exercise. Now I see that it is time for me to overcome my fears and just move a muscle. I myself don't want to end up unhealthier than I already am.
It is time for me to be real. I feel better when I exercise. I find myself asking what I am waiting for. I don't know what really to do. I don't wish to make any more excuses. That is what I have been doing. I am looking to buy equipment or a gym membership. At the same time I want to walk. I have been overwhelmed and that is the problem. The procrastination is a symptom of a much larger problem. The problem is, I lack the sheer motivation to exercise. I don't know what is wrong with me. The closer I get to actually doing it the farther off I slide. I may slow walk but I realize that is not enough. I know I am not healthy. I am 40 years old and I take 5+ medications a day, some for diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. I have PCOS and I have grown tired of the vicious cycle of diet, exercise, and ups and downs in my weight. I need help in defeating that and I have been hesitant to begin an exercise regimen for fears that I will fall or break a bone. I also have a fear that even if I do exercise, my goal of more permanent weight loss won't be accomplished because I always end up overwhelmed and give up. That is why I don't exercise. Now I see that it is time for me to overcome my fears and just move a muscle. I myself don't want to end up unhealthier than I already am.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
Today's exercise regimen 2/13/15
20 minute walking + 20 strengthening and core exercises + 20 minutes of pilates= 60 minutes of exercise
I am supposed to do follow a specific plan that would be an incorporation of 60 minutes of exercise plus diet. It has been said that exercise is 80% diet and 20% exercise. For those such as myself, so far so good. I have been making plans and I struggle to follow through. I wish I could have someone do the exercises for me but that would make no sense as it would not be of benefit to me at all. I won't make any excuses as to why I did not exercise today. I am just being honest but maybe I am just putting either too much pressure to exercise or not enough. Either way, exercise will, and has in the past, do me some good.
I am supposed to do follow a specific plan that would be an incorporation of 60 minutes of exercise plus diet. It has been said that exercise is 80% diet and 20% exercise. For those such as myself, so far so good. I have been making plans and I struggle to follow through. I wish I could have someone do the exercises for me but that would make no sense as it would not be of benefit to me at all. I won't make any excuses as to why I did not exercise today. I am just being honest but maybe I am just putting either too much pressure to exercise or not enough. Either way, exercise will, and has in the past, do me some good.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Maybe, just maybe....a video exercise program for today
Feb 12
1:00 PM Yoga 10 minutes
1:15 PM Walk for 30 minutes
2:00 PM Pilates for 20 minutes
Ten minute yoga routine for beginners..
30 minute walking routine done at home
20 minute pilates routine for beginners
1:00 PM Yoga 10 minutes
1:15 PM Walk for 30 minutes
2:00 PM Pilates for 20 minutes
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Proposed exercise plan for 2/12-2/15, 2015
For the next four days, I plan to walk and do yoga and pilates. That is a plan since plans are always subject to change. Things do happen in a person's day. I don't want to over plan and not do any exercise on the other hand. I don't also wish to quit planning, especially since I spent many an entries writing about a break or about planning one. Today, I am making plans that will be more official.
Feb 12
1:00 PM Yoga 10 minutes
1:15 PM Walk for 30 minutes
2:00 PM Pilates for 20 minutes
Feb 13
9:00 AM Walk for 20 minutes
9:30 AM Stretches and core strengthening exercises for 20 minutes
1:30 PM Walk for another 20 minutes
Feb 14
9-11 AM Walking and yard work
Feb 15
Taking a break
Feb 12
1:00 PM Yoga 10 minutes
1:15 PM Walk for 30 minutes
2:00 PM Pilates for 20 minutes
Feb 13
9:00 AM Walk for 20 minutes
9:30 AM Stretches and core strengthening exercises for 20 minutes
1:30 PM Walk for another 20 minutes
Feb 14
9-11 AM Walking and yard work
Feb 15
Taking a break
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Proposed exercise (and diet) plan for 2/11/15
I guess that now that I have identified my setbacks all I have to do is to formulate an exercise plan or regimen that I can stick to. I have to identify the fact that I am a beginner and that T25 would be out of my reach for now. Right now, I have an interest in walking, yoga, and pilates. I am not sure about yoga, but because I wish to lose weight, I am interested in working out and burning the amount of calories it takes per hour walking or doing pilates. Here is my proposed exercise (and diet) schedule for tomorrow:
7-8:00 AM
Sausage biscuit
9 AM
Walk for 15-20 minutes
Pork-Chickpea stew
2:30 PM
Walk for 15-20 minutes
Pork-Chickpea stew
Snack 1
9:30 AM
Snack 2
Snack 3
Monday, February 9, 2015
Being honest about my setbacks
I have a setback of my own making. However, every setback is a lesson learned. The setback in question is a 7.6 pound weight gain. It all stems from no real planning, poor eating habits, and a lack of exercise. Exercise? Yes, it also stems from a total and complete lack of honesty. The honest truth is that I rarely exercise enough to make an impact. I do a slow walk here and there but I haven't walked on a treadmill or walked for 30 minutes in months. Nor have I done any exercises which target the abs or any other part that I wish to target. In fact, that I why I have been considering myself lazy. I have given up and I don't know which exercises to do or how many days a week for long long or how many reps. I wish I could just walk but I have to be specific. I realize that I cannot walk and not know about the exercise of walking. I also need to know what the benefits of walking and how it would personally benefit me. Would it help me as a diabetic with hormonal issues for example? Whatever the exercise or whatever the exercise, I always think that it has to take a long hard look at things, but does it?
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Plans being made on a realistic plan
I didn't exercise today and that is why. I am now making plans on a realistic, specific exercise plan that even I can follow. I have no idea if I should eat in the morning before or after a work out. All I know is that it has to be realistic and cater to my medical, emotional, and physical needs.
I am a 40 year old woman who has a hormonal condition that has caused me to gain nearly 60 pounds in a brief period of time. It has not been easy to lose this weight and for a number of good reasons, including anxiety and being easily overwhelmed. I am 5'1" and weigh over 290 lbs, which would make my BMI ~ 55. I would like for my BMI to be around 40, which would be realistic for me, at least.
I have an apple shaped body where the bulk of excess weight is carried in the midsection. I for that reason alone have become self conscious about my body shape and my overall appearance. How do I know which exercises would be effective as far as toning and fat burning? How do I also know if some exercises would be beneficial for all of the body though I have a few problem areas? I also have problems with balance and lumbar disc degenerative disease, so I will definitely need help as well.
Walking is good. I like taking a walk every once in a while. However, it has been a long time since I have taken a brisk walk for 15 minutes at 2.5 mph. How in this case do I start off slow? Where do I begin walking? Are there any other exercises that I can take an interest in? Those are the areas that I am concerned with.
I tend to give up easily because I have failed so many times. I want to make this stick. Being healthy and living healthy are big undertakings so how do I keep them from overwhelming me. How do I keep exercise from overwhelming me? Ironically enough, I have read that exercise will keep me from being too overwhelmed. So why is it hard for me to follow an exercise regimen? Anyways, walking is just one of a few ideas that I have to strengthen my core and my spine, and lose weight.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Downloaded videos
Last night I have downloaded a few videos online to burn on my discs. I have downloaded several videos that have kept me up much of the night. That alone has inspired me. Admittedly I don't know much about yoga or pilates. I keep hearing so much about how they are fat burning and strengthen the core and are good overall. I have not downloaded all of the videos yet. In the meantime, yard work is a lot because it burns a lot.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Quotes and a confession
Exercise should be regarded as tribute to the heart. ~Gene Tunney
Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. ~Edward Stanley
If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all. ~Joey Adams
Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. ~Plato
Physical fitness can neither be achieved by wishful thinking nor outright purchase. ~Joseph Pilates
I see exercise taking this perverted detour. The original intention of exercise was to heal and maintain health. Now I see it as having nothing to do with health. I see most exercises based on looking good. They actually make you less healthy. You overdevelop the obvious muscles. You take drugs to enhance that. You ignore the rest, and you become more out of balance. ~Bryan Kest
I agree with these quotes. These quotes are an inspiration to me and should be to everyone. I confess that exercise has not been something that I have been doing. I am also plagued by guilt. One of the things that I am guilty of is the fact that I am filled with guilt over the things of the past. One of those things that I feel guilty about is letting myself go. I am over 100 lbs overweight and I felt like over the years that I have let myself go. I find myself confused and bogged down never knowing when or it it is ever going to end. I tend to try at least to find the positives about my appearance and pick out what are both positive and negative about me. I have no other way to say thing, but when I see another person who looks like me I either see the beauty in them or feel sorry for them. I don't always see that in myself in a society where smaller people, the after pictures, are considered more beauty, alluring, approachable, attractive, sexy. Fat in our society is the total opposite, even among some larger people. I realize now the truth is, what is important is how I see myself.
The fact of the matter is, I don't see myself. I see what others see and that is not fair to myself. I often compare myself to others. There is a body shape that I admire and it is not mine. I don't want to wish anymore, nor do I think that my worth should be based on a size number. As a believer in Christ, I am supposed to be "in the world, but not of the world". I have allowed the world to shape me and not God or myself. How should I see myself? Do I see myself as God sees me? The truth is, I really don't know how God sees me as far as my physical self. I often deceive myself and have wrong beliefs about how people should think and act and how people of differing body types should think and act. All I know is that I should live godly and be holy and put God first. I don't know what else to do.
What does this have to do with exercise? Inspiration. It is about inspiring and being honest with myself. Why do I want to exercise? Why do I want to eat healthier? Why is it do I want to lose weight? What are my goals and plans for myself? I have another confession to make. I have been kidding myself or lying to myself for years. I have to be honest with myself. My biggest fear is that I am a product of a society that seems to hate me because of my appearance instead of my big fear being is that I don't like myself. I do find myself comparing my body to those in mass media. Over time I realize that what motivates me to lose weight is not enough. What inspires me does? I weigh a lot and for me it is about me. It is up to me to lose weight and to keep it off. No more comparing myself to others, struggling to affirm myself, or having regrets are good enough reasons right there. I have to be the one who sees myself as beautiful or smart or funny. I have lived for so long "living like the world" that I fail to realize that I have to be truthful about myself. How do I really feel about how I look? That is what is most important to me?
Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. ~Edward Stanley
If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all. ~Joey Adams
Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. ~Plato
Physical fitness can neither be achieved by wishful thinking nor outright purchase. ~Joseph Pilates
I see exercise taking this perverted detour. The original intention of exercise was to heal and maintain health. Now I see it as having nothing to do with health. I see most exercises based on looking good. They actually make you less healthy. You overdevelop the obvious muscles. You take drugs to enhance that. You ignore the rest, and you become more out of balance. ~Bryan Kest
I agree with these quotes. These quotes are an inspiration to me and should be to everyone. I confess that exercise has not been something that I have been doing. I am also plagued by guilt. One of the things that I am guilty of is the fact that I am filled with guilt over the things of the past. One of those things that I feel guilty about is letting myself go. I am over 100 lbs overweight and I felt like over the years that I have let myself go. I find myself confused and bogged down never knowing when or it it is ever going to end. I tend to try at least to find the positives about my appearance and pick out what are both positive and negative about me. I have no other way to say thing, but when I see another person who looks like me I either see the beauty in them or feel sorry for them. I don't always see that in myself in a society where smaller people, the after pictures, are considered more beauty, alluring, approachable, attractive, sexy. Fat in our society is the total opposite, even among some larger people. I realize now the truth is, what is important is how I see myself.
The fact of the matter is, I don't see myself. I see what others see and that is not fair to myself. I often compare myself to others. There is a body shape that I admire and it is not mine. I don't want to wish anymore, nor do I think that my worth should be based on a size number. As a believer in Christ, I am supposed to be "in the world, but not of the world". I have allowed the world to shape me and not God or myself. How should I see myself? Do I see myself as God sees me? The truth is, I really don't know how God sees me as far as my physical self. I often deceive myself and have wrong beliefs about how people should think and act and how people of differing body types should think and act. All I know is that I should live godly and be holy and put God first. I don't know what else to do.
What does this have to do with exercise? Inspiration. It is about inspiring and being honest with myself. Why do I want to exercise? Why do I want to eat healthier? Why is it do I want to lose weight? What are my goals and plans for myself? I have another confession to make. I have been kidding myself or lying to myself for years. I have to be honest with myself. My biggest fear is that I am a product of a society that seems to hate me because of my appearance instead of my big fear being is that I don't like myself. I do find myself comparing my body to those in mass media. Over time I realize that what motivates me to lose weight is not enough. What inspires me does? I weigh a lot and for me it is about me. It is up to me to lose weight and to keep it off. No more comparing myself to others, struggling to affirm myself, or having regrets are good enough reasons right there. I have to be the one who sees myself as beautiful or smart or funny. I have lived for so long "living like the world" that I fail to realize that I have to be truthful about myself. How do I really feel about how I look? That is what is most important to me?
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Where to start?
I admit that I only exercise once in a blue moon. I have no motivation because I don't enjoy many things when it comes to physicality. I have an interest in physical fitness as I have weight loss goals. I admire those who have those goals and stick to them. I also admire people who have spent at least an hour or two a day for many years to achieve and and maintain those looks. Right now, I am not as fit as I would like to be. I have my goals and it seems hypocritical to me since I often write in my blogs about how fat people have been treated because of our appearance. I wonder if that has to do with a lack of motivation as silly as that seems. However, I believe that a fat person can be fit and healthy. Sadly, I don't have that confidence because of my body makeup and being self-conscious of my appearance does not help. I would like to change my shape and how I view myself.
Having an exercise regimen that I can stick to would be of great benefit to me. The truth, is what do I like to do or what am I interested in? What can I now do physically? How long should my daily regimen be? How many reps or how often should I exercise; should I exercise for 30 minutes a day or better yet do 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side? How specific should I be? Where should it take place: at home or at a gym? How much if any equipment will I have to use? What are my physical limitations? What is holding me back? I have been wrapping my brain around it and I have yet to decide what to do or how to formulate a plan, yet. Here are some things that could be of help to me:
Back pain stretches for 19 minutes
Ab workout for 10 minutes
Boxing Lessons for 44 minutes
Butt-toning workout for 12 minutes
Having an exercise regimen that I can stick to would be of great benefit to me. The truth, is what do I like to do or what am I interested in? What can I now do physically? How long should my daily regimen be? How many reps or how often should I exercise; should I exercise for 30 minutes a day or better yet do 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side? How specific should I be? Where should it take place: at home or at a gym? How much if any equipment will I have to use? What are my physical limitations? What is holding me back? I have been wrapping my brain around it and I have yet to decide what to do or how to formulate a plan, yet. Here are some things that could be of help to me:
Walking at home for 15 minutes
Back pain stretches for 19 minutes
Ab workout for 10 minutes
Boxing Lessons for 44 minutes
Butt-toning workout for 12 minutes
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Formulating a meal and exercise plan...
Now I am formulating an exercise regimen that is supposed to be specific and can cater to my physical needs. I promise myself that no matter what, I won't just give up. I have no plans to give up because I know about giving up. The formation of guilt is one thing. I have never been that much of an exercise junkie so formulating an exercise plan will not be easy. My goal is to take care of myself so that I will be able to move around and be physically able, and to lose weight. I plan to lose weight within the course of a year. How much weight do I need to lose, I have no idea. Where do I go from here? I am writing that it is okay that I don't have any yearly goals and what size clothes to wear and how I should wear them. Maybe I should have more specified goals but what I thought were goals, they were actually the benefits of losing weight. Last time I weighed myself, I was surprised by how much I lost. This upcoming week, I wish to be even more surprised. My goal for now is how do I exercise and lose weight also, by not eating into the wee hours of the night?
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Motivated to exercise
I realize that I have become more motivated than ever. I realize that now I have to work out even if it is for a few minutes. Do I start off slow and build on that? What however does it mean to start slow? I am motivated to lose weight so I should be motivated about exercise, right? I need to reconcile why I want to consume healthy food and exercise. Maybe it is words failure, diet, and chore that trigger an immediate and negative response. I am not lazy. I have not become lazy. I am fat not because I am lazy. I am fat for a number of reasons and I enjoy exercise. I have no activities that I enjoy because walking can be painful and I have no bike and I cannot swim. Where do I begin?
Sunday, February 1, 2015
I would like to be motivated.
I would like to be motivated to exercise. I am so tired right now. I don't wish to be defined as lazy and foolish because of my lack of motivation. What is causing this lack of motivation? Why am I so unmotivated? What do I have to do to be like Nike and "just do it"? Is that phrase realistic for me? My lack of motivation stems from the fact that I have no real set goals. It would also stem from being bored easily and from having so many failures in my life. I have taken the time to give up easily and that is what I have to overcome.
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