Monday, March 31, 2014

Holding myself accountable

I think that it is high time I do an exercise schedule.  It doesn't have to be fancy.  It is always good to plan ahead, just like with food.  I need to hold myself accountable and that is the problem.  I don't hold myself accountable enough.  I don't exercise enough.  I can exercise for 20-30 minutes tops on a treadmill but I know that I got to do more than that.  I have a lot to learn about myself.  I realize that I can do this.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Musing

Unfortunately I didn't do much exercise.  I really don't know the rules of exercise.  Do I exercise before or after I eat?  Do I exercise first thing every morning?  Can I exercise late at night?  Those are the kind of rules that I had no idea about since I just started an exercise regimen.  I walk, however slowly.  I am supposed to walk faster than one mile per hour.  Accordingly I am supposed to walk much faster than this.  Wow, where do I begin?

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday musing

I had a big headache.  However, I did do some slow walking today for a good while plus some random lunges.  Things don't come easy for me but as long as I had some assistance such as equipment like weights, then I can exercise without the usual or unusual worries that come with an exercise routine.  I feel great right now and I don't feel so lazy.  I worry about the time too much when I exercise.  Maybe I should just focus on other things besides just moving around.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Walked on the treadmill

Today I am so tired and even a little bit sore.  My mind is clear though.  I exercised for over 20 minutes.  I walked on a treadmill.  The highest speed that I "walked" on the treadmill was 3.0 mph. The highest I can walk at the moment is 2.5 mph.  I feel great and I plan to exercise tomorrow.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


I am still sore and my mind is still clear.  Yesterday was an amazing workout.  Today, I did lunges, but I didn't do many.  I wish I had done more dancing like zumba or even ballet.  Exercise burns calories which is what I need to do.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Today's progress

So I did exercise for 20 minutes today.  I feel very sore yet my mind is clear.  I know I have not, but I feel like I lost a little weight.  My goal is to exercise for three days a week for at least 20 minutes.  I hope to lose more weight and soon.  I would like to lose 10 lbs in a few weeks with diet and exercise.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

WITW is my problem?

I did not exercise today.  In fact, I haven't done much if not any exercise since this weekend.  The truth is, I am not confident that I will lose weight as I feel like giving up.  I have gained four pounds since last week and I would like to lose four pounds within the next 2-4 weeks.  I am on Weight Watchers, where learning how to eat is just as important as what to eat.  I feel like giving up and just stop exercising.  I haven't exercised regularly in months and I feel like not knowing what I need to do.  I hate myself for feeling this way but I really don't know what the problem is.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Weight consciousness

I have yet to formulate an exercise plan.  I went to see the Nutritionist last week and so far, my goal has been 20 minutes for three days a week.  I am glad that it is a good start since I have gained weight over the years and over the years.  I don't wish to stay 300 lbs and then years later, something happens and I weigh 350 lbs in my 40s.  I am only 39 and I weigh over 300 lbs. not to mention that I am just shy of 5'2" tall.  I am self conscious of my appearance and I would like to lose weight partially for that reason alone.  Losing weight is a very important goal.  I have shown that I can lose weight, but not necessarily for the long term.  I am not too comfortable in my own skin.  I am saddened that because of this, I have to affirm myself because I have low self-esteem.  I would like to lose 10+ lbs.  My contract even failed me, or rather I failed to live up to the contract that I have set up for myself.  I do hope to continue with losing weight, but my diet is poor and my exercise regimen is minimal at best.  I have no idea how to set up a plan to exercise and lose weight. Maybe I should start doing yardwork tomorrow.  That alone is good exercise.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Exercise plan samples

I enjoyed doing some exercise today including some slow walking.  I just hope that I have lost weight.  I will weigh myself tomorrow.  What I need to do is a realistic exercise plan such as a 20 minute walk everyday or something like that.  Maybe I should begin that very, very soon.  Where do I begin, I don't know.  However, I will not procrastinate on that this time.

Here are some samples that could help me out:

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Yard work

So, I did some yard work, which included raking, picking up what was left over from the storm last month such as broken branches, and carrying the filled bags.  That was over an hour and a half of work, that was over 12 points today for Weight Watchers.  Unfortunately I don't know how many calories that is.  I would like to buy a treadmill or some other exercise equipment such as weights.  I have heard that strength training is supposed to be good for me.

Friday, March 21, 2014

35 minutes of exercise

So, I finally performed more than 30 minutes of exercise today.  I walked on a treadmill.  The best thing to do to start off an exercise program is to realize that I have to start off slow and then work my way up.  I feel like wanting to just start, but that is something that would leave me bored, but why would I be bored by exercise?  The downside to finally exercising is realizing how out of shape I truly am.  My goal is not just to lose weight, but just to be in shape.  I am very conscious of my body and I would like to no longer be self-conscious.  My goal is for exercise to be second nature.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

First day---yesterday

I sometimes need help keeping in mind the mental benefits of exercise as well as the physical.  I actually did some stretches and I tried to do sit-down exercises yesterday.  The worst part was I had no idea how out-of-shape I truly am.  The exercising lasted 15 minutes, which is a good start.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mental benefits of exercise

Maybe I need to start sooner to exercise than Friday.  I admit procrastinating too much.  I have not done any exercise yet.  All I have to do is do it.  There are benefits to exercise that I need to think about versus the pitfalls of a lack of exercise.  Here are some of  the benefits of exercise:

1. It reverses the detrimental effects of stress.  Judging from my previous posts, exercise could do wonders to alleviate the stress, period.

2.  It lifts depression.  That is good, since exercise somehow has a positive effect on moods since I am bipolar.

3. It improves learning.  In other words, if I wish to learn Spanish, per se, it may be good for concentration and focus.

4. It builds self-esteem and improves body image.  Wow.  That should be the reason why exercise in the first place.  I have been self-conscious of my weight for a long time and now I have the one great reason, if any to exercise.

5. It leaves one feeling euphoric.  I don't know why that is, but whenever I exercise, I do end up feeling euphoric and on top of the world.

6. It keeps the brain fit.  Not only does exercise keep the body fit, it keeps the brain fit.  It will make me a better learner, therefore.

7. It may keep Alzheimer's at bay.  Wow.  I have OCD and this article has been good for me, so if it is good for obsessions and compulsions, then it must be excellent for Alzheimer's.  "Exercise appears to protect the hippocampus, which governs memory and spatial navigation, and is one of the first brain regions to succumb to Alzheimer's-related damage."


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Brief plan

I plan to exercise for at least 3 days per week for at least 20 minutes.  I will start off slowly and then take it from there.  That is my plan.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Procrastination does hold one back

I wish I could answer the questions that I have asked in the last post.  All I know is that I procrastinate too much and that cleaning up and dancing are workouts.  Yep, I cleaned up my room including dusting and mopping, and sweeping.  That took about an hour.  I just danced some today, but the dancing I need to do has to at least break a sweat.  I am often critical because I do procrastinate too much.  I want to do a T25, but I barely had the energy to clean up a room much less something as difficult as T25.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Exercise is seen as a physical activity.  It didn't dawn on me that exercise is also a state of mind.  Why does it bother me so?  Why don't I just go out there and do it?  Why don't I realize that in order to exercise my mind, I must exercise my body?  Why don't I just go there and give it my all?  Why don't I even try to exercise? Why?

Friday, March 14, 2014

Exercise should not be a chore, but a fun thing to do.

No one can help me exercise but me.  I remember when exercise used to be fun.  Nowadays it seems like exercise is a chore.  I personally have no idea what exercise means.  Does it mean to do a series of repetitions for a period of time?  Is it about an application of things learned using physical activity?  What does it mean and what should I do?  I want to begin exercising, but where do I begin?  I guess the message is motivate and move more.  I have been told to exercise more, but the point is, exercise is quite a chore. How do I change my mindset to where I can have fun again?  Where is the old fire that I once had?  What is wrong with me?  I feel like I have been lying to myself all of this time.  I wonder if I have been in denial all along.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Not proud

I am not proud of this.  I rarely if ever did any exercise today.  I have not eaten so much today however, which is beneficial.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Busy week

I have an appointment tomorrow and Friday.  This week has been a busy week and keeping busy has been beneficial to me as well as exercise.  Exercise should and can be a key to overcome what ails me.  I am glad for the support that I have.  I feel great today because I realize that I can control what really does ail me and that I feel better with every step I take.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Not much to say

I guess watching myself and reading up on exercise is good motivation.  I feel like moving to a great song, which I somewhat did today.  Yesterday I walked however slowly.  Thursday I hope to exercise more than I have had in a while.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Still standing

While I did indeed have a long nap, I managed to stay standing today.  I know that does not count as exercise, but it seemed like it.  I just feel like going through the motions and give up.  I don't want to wait for someone else to help me.  I want to do so myself.  However, I have no idea where to begin.  I am a diabetic who has suffered back pain and other issues.  I guess walking would be the best option.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


I do need to exercise more.  I have to exercise more, and without excuse.  I am doing okay today, but I also have to deal with excessive napping and tiredness.  I don't know if it is the enemy of exercise but all this napping is not doing me any good.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


I have finally picked out the clothes that I am going to use for my exercising.  I had no idea that I had such a wardrobe of clothes that I am going to wear.  I didn't exercise today as I was bored and feeling tired.  That was my fault but I will pick up where I left off from yesterday.  Exercise is quite beneficial regardless of how long and how intense.  I definitely need to exercise more.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Latest link

I admit that I didn't do much exercise today, but what little I did do has helped my back.  I plan to do these specific exercises asap.  I will not hesitate.  I have a compulsion/fear/guilt problem that I need to control, so I need to also deal with that as well.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Compulsive eating and exercise

I wonder if I exercise then I won't each as much.  Here is what I am trying to write: I eat less, then I exercise more.  If I eat healthier then I exercise more, then all will be well.  Simple as that, no?  Not if one has the issue that I have.  I believe that I can get the help that I need.  I would like to get the help that I need.  I just believe that with diet and exercise all will be possible.  But if I eat compulsively or out of impulse, what good will exercise do?  I guess nothing.  I need help.  I have no idea what I am doing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Exercise and eating disorder

I am aware of my issues with over eating.  Should or would exercise be a way to deal with it?  I read that it could be such a way because of the benefits of exercise.  On the other hand, I have other reasons to exercise or rather continue to exercise.  It does keep my mind off of things and maybe that is why exercise is so good to overcome this issue that I have.  Maybe my exercise routine is not strenuous enough and that is why my problem is so hard to deal with.  I am not sure but I guess I have a lot of things to understand with the problems I dealing with.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Moving a muscle

Moving a muscle is something that constitutes exercise?  It is the very definition of exercise.  Exercise is the movement of muscle that produces results.  So, the fact that I don't move many muscles everyday is a major issues.  I don't move a muscle enough.  Sure I walk or dance, but pacing the isles and dancing five minutes doesn't count as exercise.  I am not a great dancer, nor have I done much walking recently.  I can no longer say that having a cold is an excuse, but it sure does put things into perspective.  I am doing better so I have no excuses.

Monday, March 3, 2014

What constitutes exercise?

I wonder what does constitute exercise.  Does walking constitute exercise?  What type of walking and when?  Do I really even exercise?  Am I still a beginner?  If I am not really exercising, then what I am afraid of?  Is walking in the backyard exercise?  How about walking around the house?  What would typify a slow walk; would it depend on speed or distance?  These are questions that I have to ask and decide for myself if it is exercise.  I am just wondering.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Shopping is quite a workout

I actually did some exercise on this somber day.  I was very ill since I could not breathe well for the most part during my long long nap.  I do feel pretty good however.  I am doing okay despite my cold.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Exercising while having a cold

I did do some dancing but I wouldn't count is as strenuous.  I am not a good dancer however.  Maybe I don't know my own talent.  There is nothing like moving a muscle.  There are so many benefits to exercise.  I just feel so much better since I woke up.  I still have a cold and I would like to say that it is getting better.  However, there is nothing like having a stuffy nose.  There is nothing like being ill to put things in perspective.