Maybe I need to start sooner to exercise than Friday. I admit procrastinating too much. I have not done any exercise yet. All I have to do is do it. There are benefits to exercise that I need to think about versus the pitfalls of a lack of exercise. Here are some of the benefits of exercise:
1. It reverses the detrimental effects of stress. Judging from my previous posts, exercise could do wonders to alleviate the stress, period.
2. It lifts depression. That is good, since exercise somehow has a positive effect on moods since I am bipolar.
3. It improves learning. In other words, if I wish to learn Spanish, per se, it may be good for concentration and focus.
4. It builds self-esteem and improves body image. Wow. That should be the reason why exercise in the first place. I have been self-conscious of my weight for a long time and now I have the one great reason, if any to exercise.
5. It leaves one feeling euphoric. I don't know why that is, but whenever I exercise, I do end up feeling euphoric and on top of the world.
6. It keeps the brain fit. Not only does exercise keep the body fit, it keeps the brain fit. It will make me a better learner, therefore.
7. It may keep Alzheimer's at bay. Wow. I have OCD and this article has been good for me, so if it is good for obsessions and compulsions, then it must be excellent for Alzheimer's. "Exercise appears to protect the hippocampus, which governs memory and spatial navigation, and is one of the first brain regions to succumb to Alzheimer's-related damage."
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