Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Re-post from 9/26/16

Exercise: yard work
Time : 8 AM-10 AM
impact: medium
calories burned: 566
pulse: 96
length of time: 2 hours

reflections and comments:  The above plan is what I will fill out in the exercise blog.
explain plan: This is a great exercise for the mind as well.

The above sample plan will be tomorrow.

How to formulate or to answer an exercise plan:
1. Research & decide your routine type and exercises.
2. Write out each exercise's specific sets, repetitions (reps) and if you're advanced, time delay.
3.Write out each exercise's specific sets, repetitions (reps) and if you're advanced, time delay.
4. Increase the weight on week 5 and drop the reps back down to 12.
5. Continue this pattern for 8-12 weeks in your workout plan and you should see some considerable gains.
6. If you want to build as much strength and tone as possible, however, you should focus on the lower rep range, as this is what will allow you to lift the heaviest amount of weights, and thus see the greatest gains in strength as well as cutting body fat fastest.
7. Just as if you were training to be a basketball player, you would want to spend a large portion of your training on shooting hoops to increase accuracy and jumping more to increase vertical height; likewise, if you’re hoping to increase your strength, you should focus a large percentage of your time on lifting weights that are as heavy as possible and in the lowest rep range.
8. Start a Diet.
9. If you're a skinny bloke, this doesn't matter too much, however if you do not minimize sugar intake and fat , you will gain what bodybuilders refer to as dirty bulk
10.  Optional Supplementation


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