Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Exactly How I Exercised To Lose 50 Pounds by Sarah Klein

"Exactly How I Exercised To Lose 50 Pounds"

Sure, you can't outrun a bad diet. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't run (or bike, or walk, or swim). Being physically active—even just a little—increases longevity, improves sleep, builds bone and muscle strength, and protects against heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and depression. It also—along with smart choices in the kitchen—can help you shed unwanted pounds and keep them off.

We asked 7 women who have lost 50 pounds or more to share their go-to workouts for losing the weight, and the results were surprisingly varied. You don't have to fit one specific mold of exercise—you just have to find something that sticks.

Women who have lost 50-60 pounds

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