Friday, March 17, 2017

How Exercising Helps in Recovery from Binge Eating Disorder.

It’s NOT what you think!
And how to tailor an individual plan for exactly where you are today.
OK, so our last post garnered a lot of emails. See it here.

Questions about what the heck we meant when we said, “Exercise is for managing your emotions first not for physical health, and certainly not for weight loss.”

Look, we would sound silly if we told you a sweet by-product of exercise wasn’t weight loss, looking good and feeling good.

But we want to concentrate on the feeling good part right now and set aside the others for just a minute.

It’s important to stop the binging first and understanding the role exercise really plays in stopping it is important.
As I mentioned before most people give little to no respect to flour and sugar as psychoactive drugs. They think of them as weight gain enemies for sure but they never take the next step and ask: “Could I be a drug addict and could my drugs of choice be flour and sugar?”

Just ask this “what if question” with an open mind: “Could that concept be right? Could I have been using flour and sugar as self medication for anxiety, fear, worry and just to rest my brain a little my whole life?”

And because it was virtually always available I just never put it together as a drug?

Could I have developed a little dependency on it?

I know it sounds harsh, but bear with me a minute here.
What if, when you gorged on ice cream with your best friends that time your first boyfriend broke up with you, it became a pattern for living?

Maintenance doses all day in your coffee and tea, little bits here and there during the day but then at night you’re alone and you just want to zone out. Just allow for the possibility (or fantasy if you like) that you used sugar and flour not because you were hungry but because it gave you some sort of feeling of well being, even if that only lasted a few minutes.

I always suggest and encourage journaling to uncover the emotional patterns of your binges. So you can see in black and white how you were feeling just before you binged. (And after too.)

Again, we are delving into a huge topic in a short post but… back to the exercising.

Our belief is if you consciously know that there is a much higher probability that you won’t binge tonight or for few days after a long hard walk then you are more likely to do it than if you’re thinking exercise is to help you with losing weight or “burn calories.”

Read full article here

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