Monday, February 9, 2015

Being honest about my setbacks

I have a setback of my own making.  However, every setback is a lesson learned.  The setback in question is a 7.6 pound weight gain.  It all stems from no real planning, poor eating habits, and a lack of exercise.  Exercise?  Yes, it also stems from a total and complete lack of honesty.  The honest truth is that I rarely exercise enough to make an impact.  I do a slow walk here and there but I haven't walked on a treadmill or walked for 30 minutes in months.  Nor have I done any exercises which target the abs or any other part that I wish to target.  In fact, that I why I have been considering myself lazy.  I have given up and I don't know which exercises to do or how many days a week for long long or how many reps.  I wish I could just walk but I have to be specific.  I realize that I cannot walk and not know about the exercise of walking.  I also need to know what the benefits of walking and how it would personally benefit me.  Would it help me as a diabetic with hormonal issues for example?  Whatever the exercise or whatever the exercise, I always think that it has to take a long hard look at things, but does it?

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